Subway Tiles Are Triggering – IOTW Report

Subway Tiles Are Triggering

Story HERE.


You know, the British flag looks a little like the confederate flag, no?

Let’s demand it be changed.

ht/ illustr8r

17 Comments on Subway Tiles Are Triggering

  1. @Bman:”Of course, the official CSA flag didn’t have that dukes of hazard symbol at all.”

    You’re right. The contected flag is the COnfederate battle flag. Their national flag had similarities to Betsy Ross’s flag.

    Wait until we get to the pentagram, 5 pointed stars on Old Glory. Maybe this fall we’ll hear that one. Or tomorrow, who knows. Just remember folks, this is the Democrat party that is driving all this. That, and soro’s money.

  2. What is one to do when they are faced with a form that requires putting an ‘X’ in appropriate boxes? Isn’t that making little Confederate flags? I’m triggered. Ban all forms!

  3. Government makework for the under-worked Transit Workers and a good jig for brothers in law and doners in the ceramic tile business. And the beat goes on, and the beat goes on, and on, and on.
    Phuckit! We live in a Kakistocracy with no way out. MAGA soon>

  4. Each time any Liberal suggests we remove reminders of our history I suggest we remove 2 Liberals from public office in the 2018 election.
    It may not seem like an even exchange but, in view of what Liberal’s cost Americans in time, money and and damages from “Rent a Mob” it’s more than generous.

  5. The NYC subway open in 1904 and the stations walls were adorned with
    beautiful mosaic tile designs. Now these idiots want to change them? Over 100 years later? Gimmeafukinbreak!

  6. The cold, hard fact is this: Anyone can claim to be “triggered” by any other person, place, thing, event, parade, public gathering or the negative of the above. Nobody can possibly know what “triggers” an other person. Just in the US, the possibilities are endless. Suck it up, buttercup!

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