Councilman Brandon Coan Equates Black People With Monkeys – IOTW Report

Councilman Brandon Coan Equates Black People With Monkeys

Courier-Journal (Louisville)

A stuffed monkey hanging from an overhead utility line in an apartment complex near Bowman Field has sparked racial concerns and reports to a Louisville Metro Council member.

The incident was reported to Councilman Brandon Coan, D-8th District, who initially called it a “disgusting display of hatred, bigotry and racism.”

But later, after visiting the apartment complex and speaking with at least three residents, Coan said it’s possible the whole thing was a misunderstanding.

One neighbor told him it had been hung a few years ago to discourage birds along with other dolls that were no longer there. Others said it had been there for months or for just a few days, he said.

The scene appeared to play on the history in the United States of African Americans being lynched and portraying them as monkeys.


Why would this guy see a stuffed animal of a monkey and think to himself, “that’s a black effigy”?

It would have never occurred to me, because I’m not a racist.

ht/ fdr in hell

20 Comments on Councilman Brandon Coan Equates Black People With Monkeys

  1. “It *could be* hard to determine the intent”? How about it’s impossible? Yeah, it may or may not have been a racially motivated act, but without any substantiation, it’s ridiculous to get people riled up and turn it into a race issue – along the lines of Maureen Dowd, who heard the unspoken word “boy” and needlessly got rolling a boatload of anger and hatred directed at conservatives based on something that she only imagined.

  2. Not to take away from the subject of the article, but I was very distracted by the sloppy writing itself. It was written as if for a middle school newsletter. He takes a jab at the POTUS in the article too. But my main point is that it reads as if written by a 7th grader but the author has a degree in journalism and is at least in his 50’s. He lives with his wife and cat!
    James Bruggers has reported for The Courier-Journal since January 2000, specializing in the environment, environmental health, energy and science. He previously worked as a journalist in Montana, Alaska, Washington and California. Bruggers was raised in Michigan and earned a B.A. in journalism and forestry and an M.S. in environmental studies at the University of Montana. He was a Knight Wallace Journalism Fellow at the University of Michigan in 1998-1999. His reporting has won numerous awards, including the Thomas Stokes Award, the Renewable Resource Foundation’s Excellence and Journalism Award and two Best of Gannett awards in 2004, for his year-long series, “Toxic Air: Lingering Health Menace. He served on the board of directors of the Society of Environmental Journalists for 13 years, including two years as president. He lives in Clifton with his wife, Christine Bruggers, and their cat, Lucy.
    Here is his twitter:

  3. And, as mentioned before, the race baiters and haters will use the race card until it doesn’t work anymore! Let’s stop it from working and declare that any who spews the word “Racism” is to be charged with a hate crime or at least lose their jobs and any publicly held positions!!!!!!

  4. The rest of the story.

    The monkey depicted was a illegal refugee immigrant, transgender primate, guilty of rioting, looting, Pedophilia, Rape, honor killing and Sodomy.

    Rather than leave the trial to progressive/liberal Judges, who would give him probation, $50 fine and an EBT card, a neighborhood jury of his peers exacted swift judgement in full view of the public.

    Abdul Mohamad Mohamad, got what he deserved and became a warning for other primate criminals.

  5. Meerkat, the Courier-Journal from Louisville is a total leftist rag, their sole purpose is to promote their leftist-twat agenda.

    Their so-called “writers” are blathering idiots.
    Read a typical C-J article and try to figure out who-what-when-where-why-how.
    Good luck.

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