Fair trade for thee, but not for me – IOTW Report

Fair trade for thee, but not for me

CFP: “Nobody wants to buy something that was made by exploiting someone else,” Ben & Jerry’s and Fair Trade co-founder Jerry Greenfield likes to tell us. Let’s hope he doesn’t drive an electric vehicle, doesn’t use a laptop or cell phone, and doesn’t rely on wind or solar power.

We’re constantly confronted with slogans and lectures about fair trade, human rights, sustainability, environmental and social justice, little people versus Big Corporations. Most of these subjective terms reflect perspectives and agendas of the political left, and are intended to advance those worldviews and stifle any discussion about them. But most of their self-avowed adherents never look beneath the surface of their own purchases. Indeed, they would have no standards at all if they didn’t have double standards.

Just imagine what a $35,000 to $150,000 electric vehicle would cost if it were built using “fair trade” metals. How expensive already pricey wind and solar electricity would be if manufacturers had to follow fair trade standards, pay the full human and environmental costs associated with components, and pay workers the source-country equivalents of “Fight For $15” wages. Even more challenging:

What if wind, solar and EV systems had to adhere to the “precautionary principle”—which says products must be banned until promoters can prove their technologies will never harm people or the environment?  more here

4 Comments on Fair trade for thee, but not for me

  1. Did I read it here (more than likely) that cobalt is being mined by children in Africa (think the double standard with blood diamonds)? And the batteries in these stupid electric cars need cobalt. Please let us not forget when these double talking fools plug those cars in–more than likely they are using coal power.

  2. China is hard charging its strategic lockup of high tech rare metals and minerals globally.

    At best, China-dictated prices of solar gear (and other tech like phones) will soar.
    At worst China will say “all ours” to strategic resources and existing solar development will halt. Permanently.
    And much else besides.

    Another strategic gift to the Coms from Clinton and Obama.

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