“We were getting sucker punched from all angles” – IOTW Report

“We were getting sucker punched from all angles”

When the left’s Brownshirts attack the wrong kind of browns it’s all good as far as the left is concerned.

10 Comments on “We were getting sucker punched from all angles”

  1. A couple of these antifa thugs were up here and jumped one of my sons just for the fun of it.
    One of them had the stupid flag tattoo on his forearm.
    My son fought back and broke one guy’s fingers and hyper extended another’s elbow.
    They are from away and were up here in Maine looking for trouble.
    Azz wipes.

  2. That’s how it works. Even hitler had ‘preferences’ among his white army. Eventually, antifa will narrow themselves down to a handful of 75lb meth addicted gender confused criminals.

  3. The Left never ceases to amaze me. Look at BLM. Isn’t it bizarre that BLM, except in the womb?? I’ve emailed them a number of times, trying to make this point, but they never respond…my feelings are crushed….

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