Emails Reveal Arkansas Sen. John Boozman (R) Lobbied For Mexican Foreign Workers On Behalf Of Friend – IOTW Report

Emails Reveal Arkansas Sen. John Boozman (R) Lobbied For Mexican Foreign Workers On Behalf Of Friend

Daily Caller: Republican Arkansas Sen. John Boozman lobbied for low-wage Mexican foreign workers on behalf of a personal friend, emails obtained by The Daily Caller reveal.

A Boozman staffer, Rebecca Caldwell, emailed the U.S. consulate in Monterrey, Mexico to ask for 80 workers needed for a farm in Arkansas. The emails were obtained through an open record request by the Immigration Reform Law Institute and provided to TheDC.

Caldwell wrote in a May 28, 2015 email that she is contacting the consulate “on behalf of my constituent Doug Gillam of Gillam Farms of Arkansas, INC.”

“The senator has asked that I reach out to you regarding this issue as he is personal friends with [redacted],” Caldwell added.

Boozman’s office did not respond to a press inquiry about who this personal friend is. However, Gillam owns the farm alongside his brother, Jeremy, who is the Speaker of the Arkansas House of Representatives. read more 

13 Comments on Emails Reveal Arkansas Sen. John Boozman (R) Lobbied For Mexican Foreign Workers On Behalf Of Friend

  1. If you can’t stomp on peasants for your friends, family, and customers, who should you stomp on them for? Your own enemies?

    And don’t start that “Peasants are people too.” “Ow, my feewings.” noise. You dirty, disrespectful, little anarchist.

  2. @bill August 22, 2017 at 10:43 am

    > the do nothing pretend opposition

    Pretending to be the opposition is their actual job. It’s what they’re hired and paid for. If there were no pretend opposition, the State’s enemies might get the idea that they had to protect themselves. From the State. Where would that lead?

    This way, there’s someone who’s livelihood re-lies on pretending to oppose the State’s attacks. Like leaving your trash on the table, after you eat, you’re a better moral person by keeping someone else employed. Rather than taking care of the mess, yourself.

  3. This exemplifies the traditional GOP approach to politics: Hold office to help your friends and other important people. Being in control of Congress an holding the Presidency is too burdensome.

  4. Every day we get a new surprise, one more criminal working for the government. Tell me again why we pay taxes and government employees get away with everything illegal.


    For God’s sake. These people just don’t seem to understand do they?

    We are RULED BY DONORS. “The People” and what’s morally responsible on their behalf is not even in the equation.

    Term Limits would force these people to do their job, and donors make no difference b/c they will soon be out of a job anyway.


  6. @Super Patriot August 22, 2017 at 6:12 pm

    > Term Limits would force these people to do their job, and donors make no difference b/c they will soon be out of a job anyway.

    If “donors” (none dare call them… what? I wrote none dare.) drop their pieces of silver into a purse every year, month, week, whatever the “cost of doing business” schedule is, why will they care if it’s a different purse?

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