New York City Leftist Thinkers Say Venezuela’s System Better Than United States’ – IOTW Report

New York City Leftist Thinkers Say Venezuela’s System Better Than United States’

unAmerican Thinkers-

ht/ C. Steven Tucker

19 Comments on New York City Leftist Thinkers Say Venezuela’s System Better Than United States’

  1. Will somebody please tell these morons that the people in Venezuela don’t even have toilet paper to wipe their asses with because of the socialist policies of “El Presidente Maduro”? Send their stooopid asses to Venezuela to protest for the minimum wage to be $15 an hour – we’ll gladly never hear from them again.

  2. The obvious remedy – to emigrate to Venezuela – is not what this guy wants. A true leftist needs to impose his version of a perfect system on others. That’s what gets them off.

  3. The subject doesn’t matter. These are temper tantrums thrown by childish minds that want attention. They want the world to know how unhappy they are. If they got all they wanted it wouldn’t change a thing. They don’t understand that people couldn’t care less about their miserable lives.

  4. “Will somebody please tell these morons that the people in Venezuela don’t even have toilet paper to wipe their asses”

    even if they had it, they had to throw used toilet paper in the garbage can because their third world sewage infrastructure couldn’t handle it.

    I worked there several times, years ago, for extended periods of time.
    it once was a nice upcoming third world country but chavez ruined that.

    but hey, these morons read in the nyt and wached on cnn that genius sean penn said it was a paradise.

  5. And then he left…to go buy a 24 roll pack of Charmin, toothpaste, mouthwash, a couple gallons of ‘fresh’ milk, several packs of frozen vegetables and a rather large, ‘boneless’ rib eye steak!!!

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