Comedy or Reality? – IOTW Report

Comedy or Reality?

h/t reparations instead of repair

13 Comments on Comedy or Reality?

  1. Guy opens his refrigerator to find a rabbit in it, munching a carrot.

    Guy says, “What are you doing in my Westinghouse?!”

    Rabbit says, “What else? I’m westing.”

    (bada-bomp, bada-bing!)

  2. I have actually heard this one before:
    We’re sorry! Your Amazing Smart Wife has denied you access to your little slice of Nirvana due to a not so funny insensitive comment made at dinner earlier tonight.

  3. This is funny but it’s also my worst fear of Self-Driving Cars in the future:
    “I’m sorry, but WorldPresident Michelle Obama has determined that McDonalds is bad for you… and racist. Recalculating a course to FruityEcoMart. Locking doors.”

  4. This is why I will never buy anything with “embedded software” (I think that’s the term), or STAR ONLINE, etc. I wish I could buy and maintain an old enough car that didn’t have a tattle tale computer (I drive a 2000 Toyota 4Runner).

  5. I’m just now looking for a deal on a good pickup with no electronics or computers on it. I can see a day that you need to travel without some electronic brain communicating your position.

  6. I have always wondered when the self-ticketing car will emerge and begin sanctioning drivers for traffic infractions they make even when no one’s around.

    “Hey, you just ran that stop sign! I am reporting this vehicle under code ….”

  7. Soon enough, these computerized instruments (of satan?) will begin to talk to each, sotto voce, and talk to themselves. Psychiatrists will have a field day and ‘loony bins’ will reopen–not for you…for your CAR!!!

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