Tesla Automobile Creates “Range Anxiety” – Translation: It sucks – IOTW Report

Tesla Automobile Creates “Range Anxiety” – Translation: It sucks


A German government minister has decided to ditch his Tesla Model S after experiencing too much range anxiety.

Automotive News has discovered through Germany’s Freedom of Information Act that member of the Green Party and the environment minister of North Rhein-Westphalia, Johannes Remmel, started to use a fleet Model S to see how it would handle his usual driving routine.

Despite being a proponent of electric vehicles, Remmel returned the Model S after just 43 trips due to its insufficient range.

According to a senior aide, the car wasn’t suitable for the minister’s commutes, despite being advertised with a range of 500 km. In fact, the aide claims it was impossible for Remmel to even achieve 400 km on a single charge, meaning the minister could only travel for about 150 km before knowing he’d have to turn back in order to make it home without running out of charge.

What’s more, it is reported that in one instance, Remmel was forced to stop for about 90 minutes to top up just 10 kWh of energy at a conventional charging station. When you’re a busy government minister, that’s obviously a grave inconvenience.

We know that in perfect hypermiling conditions, the Model S 100D can travel over 1,000 km on a charge. However, Remmel’s experience shows that range anxiety remains an issue for some drivers.

ht/ the big owe

17 Comments on Tesla Automobile Creates “Range Anxiety” – Translation: It sucks

  1. Gosh, you mean the lab results don’t equate to real-time mileage?

    The government is probably paying Elon millions of dollars per mile: The more miles he claims his cars gets, the more millions the government gives.

    Gee, why would he fudge the numbers?

  2. I read another article I can’t remember but it was talking about how children as young as 4 were mining the stuff that goes into these batteries. If they can’t keep up they get beaten. I’d find it but I’m link lazy and hoping to get some more sleep before I have to run my ass off at work for a 12 hr.

  3. Probably doesn’t help Teslas are ugly, fit and finish is on par with a Yugo, and Elon can decide to shutdown any Tesla – or all Teslas – with the press of a button. Oh yea, also Pulse and Glide driving is they gayest most accident prone type of driving you can participate in when you decide to actually take control in your $60k+++ piece of shit to make it an extra 15km just to sit at a charging station for x hours to make it all the way home to be greeted by an angry and suspicious wife. Then you need to explain Pulse and Glide actually got you home 3 hours sooner, as she hypermills your ass to the couch.

  4. What you do is what boaters have done for years. Tow another vehicle with the first vehicle.
    If your only engine craps out you hop on the tow boat. Usually a Boston Whaler.

  5. Last Sunday whilst driving over the 4th of July pass, I easily passed a struggling Tesla in the right lane. It was going slower than a max weight semi. Even odds Triple A had to be called for a tow to Coeur d’Alene. Dumbass!

  6. If only they had a way to make vehicles that would travel long distances on available fuel and technology.
    Elon Musk is a tax grabbing charlatan.
    Tesla, it takes you to the limit, then you walk.

  7. If conservatives were behind alternative fuel vehicles, the conditions of child laborers in Cobalt mines in Africa, the terrible environmental impact of mining, the huge amount of plastics and composite materials used, and the fact that you have to burn coal and other fossil fuels to get the electricity to run the things would be the only news on TV

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