The Hate Factory – IOTW Report

16 Comments on The Hate Factory

  1. But Obama told us we couldn’t get a decent job unless we went to college. Now all I’m qualified to do is agitate, which actually works out because I have lots of free time. I can’t find a job and I have tons of student-loan debt.

  2. Travel the US, speak up, create division, chaos and anarchy.
    Funded by one of many Soros Funded progressive/socialist front groups. We help you make the change of equality in America. Generous compensation, free travel, food and lodging.

  3. I find it more telling, that by the time I got there, the hashtag had (already added?) another entry:

    A German demographer/geographer, in Australia (shock), hectoring about America (doubleplus shock), shows a poll that 85% of Republicans, but only 46% (but, still 46%) of Democrats, say “the National news medianegatively impacts (emphasis added) the U.S. Herr learned demographer/geographer describes such distrust of “journalism” (his explicit “misrepresentation” – my euphemism – of the poll’s question) and “#HigherEducation” (again, his explicit misrepresentation of credentialism – my euphemism – since none respected by the so en-titled to write on the subject dare call a purchased title “precious”), “Two pillars of a functioning #democracy!” (those aren’t scare quotes, so, yes, the exclamation mark is, sadly, not sarcasm), as “ludicrous” (again, not scare quotes, so et cetera).

  4. I can’t believe the states can’t withdraw funding from radicalism on campus.

    Keep the pressure on. Democrats don’t give up just because the court rule against them.

  5. “Funded by one of many Soros Funded progressive/socialist front groups”

    you have to wonder why the fbi and cia haven’t arrested soros ?

    it’s because soros is a cia asset and performing his assigned duty.

    this is all being orchestrated by our own security assets, why ?

  6. So glad my son blew off college to join the Navy Nuclear program instead. He was all set to attend college, attended the orientation which was nothing more than a SJW indoctrination session and said, “thanks, but no thanks”.

  7. We perhaps do not teach our children any critical thinking prior to college. Granted, I attended university many years ago, but particularly with liberal arts classes, we would look at the professors and ask “what is their personal agenda?” or “can these folks possibly function in the real world?” Many of these folks were left-overs from the 1960s, and even as college students we knew they shouldn’t be taken seriously.

    On the other hand, perhaps there is a majority of current students who feel the same way – and thus the necessity of campus speech codes. Ludicrous ideas cannot be defended with rational argument, so the answer is to prohibit rational argument. Therefore, we have a situation were the administration and faculty are still ridiculous, but now no one can call them out without penalty.

    This is, incidentally, the exact opposite of what a competent university should do.

  8. Excellent points, Wyatt. I’ve got a son who is approaching college years soon and I want to make sure he doesn’t fall into that mindset. I think he can already tell the ones who are career teachers who wouldn’t make it in the real world. I try and make him think for himself, find his own reasoning and be wary of people who are always trying to convince him to their way of thinking.

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