Corker Might Be Right About Trump’s Mental Illness – Trump Once Considered Him For Vice President – IOTW Report

Corker Might Be Right About Trump’s Mental Illness – Trump Once Considered Him For Vice President

That could have been the first sign that Trump is mentally ill. Considering the jackass Bob Corker for the vice presidency is indeed a sign that you have wirings that shouldn’t be touching in your brain.

White House calls GOP Sen. Corker’s criticism of Trump ‘ridiculous and outrageous’.

LA Times

Sen. Bob Corker ventured further than most Republicans in Congress who’ve criticized President Trump when he suggested recently that Trump had not shown the “stability” or “competence” needed in the White House.

Yet Trump, who has taken to Twitter to lambaste other Republican Senate leaders, has kept quiet about Corker, an ally who was once under consideration to be secretary of State.

On Thursday, however, Trump’s press secretary did not hold back.

Asked about Corker’s criticism, Sarah Huckabee Sanders said, “That’s a ridiculous and outrageous claim and doesn’t dignify a response from this podium.”

The Tennessee senator’s striking critique of the president, which has been replayed repeatedly on cable television, and now the White House’s rebuke of him, captured as well as anything the disintegrating relationship between Trump and his party in Congress.

Corker, chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee, may have felt more at liberty to speak up last week, in the aftermath of Trump’s much-criticized response to a violent white supremacist rally in Charlottesville, in part because he has maintained a relationship with the president.

Their ties also may explain Trump’s apparent reluctance to tweet against Corker afterward, and his willingness to let his press secretary fire back instead.


The chutzpah of these people. They are saying that most of the voting public lacks judgement.

10 Comments on Corker Might Be Right About Trump’s Mental Illness – Trump Once Considered Him For Vice President

  1. Corker is just another in a long line if Tennessee Democrats who run as Republicans. See also Lamar! Alexander.

    Hate these fucks. The Dems play the tune and they dance like Mr. Bojangles. Alexander is even trying to Gang of whatever through another multibillion Obamacare bailout.

    No one voted for this shit but they don’t care. When Corker won his seat against the Ford Crime Family’s prodigal son Harold, he was portrayed as a grand wizard of the KKK.

  2. Rinos and dems are going to keep throwing shit at DT until they find something that sticks. So far their SOL. Everything they thrown slides off. DT must be made of Teflon or something, thank god. These incessant and unfounded accusations are getting ridiculous. Pols need to stop this shit and get to work or resign. Hopefully, 2018 will show some replacement republican senators for the likes of corker and flake, just to name a few.

  3. I venture to say that the true Washington GOPe has finally come out of the closet and been reveled in full daylight because of President Trump. I predict that the incumbent class of Trump voter backstabbers will diminish with each coming election.

  4. Hey, when they said they wanted a Republican majority we all thought that they were Republicans because they knew how to pronounce Republican and they put
    an “R” behind their names!

  5. From the El A Times?

    This is how they do it: “Their ties also may explain Trump’s apparent reluctance to tweet against Corker afterward, and his willingness to let his press secretary fire back instead.”

    Break it down: “…apparent reluctance” (Shut up, El A Times! Trump was too busy pounding on McConnell to care about Corker). “…let his press…fire back instead.” (What was she supposed to do in response to that question, just ignore it?)

    Hey, El A Times, where is the video of obama attending a dinner with that islamist, Rashid Khalidi and his Palestinian friends?

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