NorK Spies Caught Red Handed – IOTW Report

NorK Spies Caught Red Handed

Ukraine officials recently released video of two North Koreans relishing their work of stealing missile designs from the former soviet state in 2011. The two spies are currently serving eight years for their failed attempt at espionage. They are the only North Koreans left in the country since Ukraine kicked them all out a couple of years ago after numerous attempts to acquire secret missile designs.


8 Comments on NorK Spies Caught Red Handed

  1. Jeeze. All those old movies are false, then? I thought spies were stood up against an old brick wall, blindfolded, given a last cigarette and then summarily shot. Eight years?! For a NoKo, that’s probably like staying at a Holiday Inn: free food (and lots of it), the guards can’t capriciously kill them, free med/dental and movie night.

  2. It’s always been cheaper, easier and faster to steal somebody elses research or designs. Individuals do it, companies do it, governments do it. The temptation is just too large for most to resist.

    Our government has hundreds of people tasked with doing exactly this today. But it sounds better because we call it “National Security Intelligence Gathering”.

    Samsung and Apple have their people in place at the other guy’s labs. The auto industry is so completely infested with spies that cars for the last 20 years all look alike in their categories.

    China has done such a good job stealing electronic chip designs they even copy the flaws.

    Buying proprietary design information has a payoff only exceeded by owning a percentage of a US rep or senator. You can bribe a file clerk at Intel for 100K and save 5 million in research. You ‘contribute’ that same 100K to a senator and that 50 million no bid contract is headed your way.

    None of this is new, or novel, or even noteworthy. It’s “How Things Work”, but these actions won’t ever be an episode of the eponymous TV show.

  3. From Organgrinder:”Russian technology, gunpowder rolled up in paper for the accelerant?”

    I was subjected to the national propaganda as a child in the 60’s that Russia was inferior to us in tech. I swallowed that like liberals today see conformation that Trump is a monster from the MSM.

    Russia put the first artificial satellite into orbit. They soft landed the first probe on the moon. They ferry OUR astronauts to the ISS today.

    My last duty posting in the military put me at a research facility with an unusual library. I had the clearance and a lot of what was there was not compartmentalized material.

    Didn’t take me long to realize I’d been lied to my entire life about the technological sophistication of Russia. Their philosophy and employment strategies were different than ours. Their scientific advancement exceeded ours in a few areas.

    Said all that to say this. This is just one more reason I don’t trust my government to speak the truth about anything.

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