The Media Cavalry Scheduled To Arrive on September 15th – IOTW Report

The Media Cavalry Scheduled To Arrive on September 15th

On September 15th the game could change. There is a media group that will be launched that could very well be a tsunami for our side.

Done correctly, this can be very intoxicating for today’s youth. They just may very well be turned on to conservatism if the right notes are hit, and it’s very possible that they will be.

The door is open. The left is a morass of negativity, filth and an idiotic amalgam of victimization and accusation. They are absolutely no fun. They are strident and totalitarian.

The right is poised to represent freedom, joy, fairness of opportunity and true individualism, love of country with a moral compass and a sense of humor.

This media group will most likely be supporters of our president.

Fingers crossed.


24 Comments on The Media Cavalry Scheduled To Arrive on September 15th


    “You give me a million $, and I’ll make a 24 hour, 356 day campaign to get your message out, not just a hurry up spasm the last month before an election.”

    NOPE! They still waste a billion $ on ads and smears when they shoulda took my advice. I’d shame those liberals so bad, their people would just rather stay home than vote for them or Republicans.

  2. I have heard several innuendo dropped that suggests, something big is happening.
    Due to PC, there seems to be a lot of conservatives out of a job right now.
    Fox’s ban hammer may just be swinging full circle.
    There’re a lot of conservatives looking for a new media outlet, take that Murcock boys.

  3. @mrmittens

    “Your account has been blocked due to suspicious activity.”

    MEANING: you were reported for right-wing comments and/or anti-left-wing comments.

    Try going to and leave right-wing comments there. I got permanently blocked by facebook twice. I only comment here, Breitbart, and Someecards.

    I haven’t bothered to open up another facebook account. I COULD of course, but I do really hate that family-smashing device. I either unfriend someone because they can’t seem to shut up about their political play-by-play cheering, or they block me because (in order to keep the peace) I either DON’T foam at the mouth for their causes, or lightly question them in a way that should not offend even the touchiest liberal, but they label me as a heretic and block me, so I just haven’t re-opened an account since that time. The bright side is, I save a ton on Christmas gifts.

    Evil application if you ask me.

  4. I am thrilled this is happening! I’ve been waiting for years for Fox to get some competition. It actually sounds better than Fox because of its multiple platforms. I really appreciate all the people like Rush Limbaugh, Tammy Bruce, Jim Quinn, Michael Savage, Larry Elder, and all the others, and all these great websites, this one being the best. Thank you all from the bottom of my introverted heart.

  5. Super Patriot, I “violated community standards.” I assume if I stated “Kill All White People” instead of saying “You stupid pucking funts, Joan of Arc did not fight for the South during the Civil War.” I would have been within the required standard of their unicorn satanic Marxist community.

  6. Awesome , This Really is Fun Something Shiny And New To Confuse Liberals Everywhere ! It Would Be A Blast If Roger Hegecock Would Come Out Of Retirement To Host 3 Hours a Day !!!

  7. Sure wish I could get in on this…but if it’s not in Chicago, I’m pretty much SOL. I’ve so much experience…directing, producing, writing, TV graphics…guess age kind of rules me out, though, too….

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