Leftist Morons Decapitate REVOLUTIONARY War Soldier’s Statue – IOTW Report

Leftist Morons Decapitate REVOLUTIONARY War Soldier’s Statue

DW– Crawford County sheriff Scott Kent said authorities were unclear as to when the vandalism took place. Attorney Joel Spitzer said he has photos as recently as August 20 showing the statue unharmed. He added, “It’s actually quite shocking to see this in little old Bucyrus, where we really have little connection to what’s going on in the south. … William Crawford was from the Revolutionary War and the French and Indian War, so I thought he was fairly safe,” calling the vandalism “a pitiful display of what someone thinks or feels.”

16 Comments on Leftist Morons Decapitate REVOLUTIONARY War Soldier’s Statue

  1. “William Crawford was from the Revolutionary War and the French and Indian War, so I thought he was fairly safe”

    Seriously? Nothing’s safe! They’re after everything America!! Why do you think they won’t stand for the anthem?

  2. “… William Crawford was from the Revolutionary War and the French and Indian War, so I thought he was fairly safe,”

    No no, it’s all statues now. Next will be a full on attack against companies that supply Bronze, Marble, and Alabaster.

  3. The detestable Mark Herring, Attorney General of Virginia issued a ruling today saying that local municipalities MAY remove any iconography they deem objectionable.

    Next ruling will be MUST remove symbols that anyone deems objectionable.

    Just watch.

  4. This reminds me of the facade of Notre Dame. During the French Revolution the common folk cut off the heads of the Saint statues because they mistakenly believed they represented the royals.

  5. Obama leaves office, Trump takes hell for the fundamental transformation. We’re trying to turn a ship… Remember Clinton took all the credit for what Reagan did. Clinton’s mess culminated in 2009. We’re just now beginning to deal with Obama’s mess at the same time deal with the tail end of Clinton and the midpoint of his wife. This is the tip of the iceberg, it’s going to get worse.

  6. Leftists don’t see the Revolutionary War as a good thing either. Just white slaveowners fighting for what would eventually be the genocide of sweet, innocent baby Native Americans and subjugation of women under a patriarchal system that didn’t allow them the right to vote for almost 150 years.

    It’s taught in the schools and has to be torn out root and branch. If they don’t parrot it then they are flunked. Unfortunately, it looks like anyone who would want to do that in this administration is being fired or “resigning”.

    There is no part of US history that American ISIS thinks is unoffensive. If Hillary Clinton had been elected, these people would have already visited the White House 100 times.

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