Seattle to ban plastic straws.. and what is the campaign named? – IOTW Report

Seattle to ban plastic straws.. and what is the campaign named?


(You’d think this would be an anti-Aids campaign.)


ht/ illust8r


26 Comments on Seattle to ban plastic straws.. and what is the campaign named?

  1. Locals Complain ” How Do We Do Coke Now ” I’ts Not Like We Have A Spare $ 100 Bill Lying Around !!!
    ” Seattle To Give Fresh Hurdred Dollar Bill To All Homeless “

  2. Yes they claim we use 500 million straws a day in the whole country, mind you there are only 300 million of us.
    I have not used a straw in weeks.
    AA has no comment.
    BB I know I am in trouble.

  3. I’m old enough to remember paper straws and it’s not a bad idea to switch back however I suspect that paper or wooden (remember the old ice cream spoons?) isn’t going to work particularly well. The funniest thing about the story is the big news is Adrian Grenier, that guy from “Entourage” is going around restaurants and other venues to sell the switch. Talk about hitting the bottom.

  4. Damn! I think we have a winner of a slogan, Ti display during political gatherings.

    That motto should clearly be displayed at every congressional Town Haal meeting and every campaign stop, of our corrupt congress.

    Can’t you envision a sea of posters, signs, banners, & etc., waving with, “DON’T SUCK”, or “YOU SUCK”, or “NO MORE SUCKER PUNCHES FROM CONGRESS”.

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