McCain Spends Weekend Blasting Trump – IOTW Report

McCain Spends Weekend Blasting Trump

The Arpaio Pardon-

Deadline- Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) has criticized President Donald Trump’s pardon of former Maricopa County, Arizona sheriff Joe Arpaio, saying the move undermines Trump’s stated respect for the rule of law.

McCain issued a statement today following Trump’s Friday pardon.

“No one is above the law and the individuals entrusted with the privilege of being sworn law officers should always seek to be beyond reproach in their commitment to fairly enforcing the laws they swore to uphold,” McCain said. “Mr. Arpaio was found guilty of criminal contempt for continuing to illegally profile Latinos living in Arizona based on their perceived immigration status in violation of a judge’s orders. The President has the authority to make this pardon, but doing so at this time undermines his claim for the respect of rule of law as Mr. Arpaio has shown no remorse for his actions.”

Transgender Military Ban-

McCain: Removing Transgenders From Military ‘Step in the Wrong Direction’


“It would be a step in the wrong direction to force currently serving transgender individuals to leave the military solely on the basis of their gender identity rather than medical and readiness standards that should always be at the heart of Department of Defense personnel policy,” McCain said.

“The Pentagon’s ongoing study on this issue should be completed before any decisions are made with regard to accession. The Senate Armed Services Committee will continue to conduct oversight on this important issue.”


Do we have the technology to speed up cancer? (It’s a joke. A joke. I’m a satirist and a comedian.)

62 Comments on McCain Spends Weekend Blasting Trump

  1. John Look Where You’ve Gotten Yourself, You are No Longer Worried About Serving The United States as a Country But As A World Dump Site Of Undesireable Aliens.
    Here it Goes In The Same Sentance. John McCain and Jane Fonda are One in The Same !!!

  2. 1) Mc stain wants Klinger for his wing “person.”

    2) Mc stain is heaping blame on the only Sheriff to accomplish something in the last 20 years that may have actually treated illegals like who they really are: ILLEGAL.

    3) Don’t want harm to you but I expect you want full burial at Arlington at the taxpayers expense right? If that’s the citizen’s land we ought to petition Trump not to let him be buried there.

  3. Only McCain is above the law.

    USS Forestall, Traitor in Vietnam and the Keating Five corruption in the Savings and Loans scandal.

    Sorry John, your legacy preceded your demise.
    Betrayal is thy name.

  4. A little over 25 years ago, Senator McCain was purchased by and became part and partner with Charles Keating in the Savings & Loan Scandal. McCain was bought for $112,000 and has tried to minimize the fact that his sins cost many Americans their life savings.

  5. I used to have some respect for John McCain, not anymore, no way, no how. Like Rush and others have said that you can tell a lot about a person by how well they treat others who can’t do anything for them. He doesn’t give a damn about anybody but himself which totally disqualifies him from any respect in my book. I would’ve hated to have been his plane captain because I have a feeling I would’ve been on report a lot for any little discrepancy in how I treated him and his plane. I don’t like assholes and McCain is an asshole.

  6. I think that 10 minutes before he dies, he’s going to switch to the Dem party just because he thinks we’d be shocked and horrified. Jokes on him, we already know he’s a POS Dem.
    Fuck him and the giant head he lugs around on his calcified shoulders.

  7. When Barack Hussein Obama, Loretta Lynch, and James Comey pardoned crooked criminal Hillary Clinton; and let’s face it, that is what they did; what did McCain say?

    Not a goddamn word. Nope, nothing.

    Fuck you John McCain you greasy old dirty diaper stinking rat bastard!

    Joe Arpaio saved countless lives by being tough on criminals and crime.
    You can FOAD right quick. 🙁

  8. Vietvet, I think that’s written for federal property. ie: If you live. work on federally owned property, which can have homes, posts, offices and barracks, etc. and only for the DC metro area.
    I’m particularly not impressed with the ‘Trump’s a Jew puppet’ and conspiracy theory comments on that thread.

  9. Songbird’s a traitor to the very end.

    And this is how he spends his last few precious days, weeks, or months.

    If I understand correctly, Trump as CinC has authority to retroactively revoke McCain’s various awards, medals, and even former rank. Including changing his discharge status to Dishonorable. No Arlington, no military funeral, etc.
    Rarely necessary in military history but still within POTUS ‘ authority.

  10. Technicality: He is a retired Navy Captain. When retired, one is not “discharged”
    Should never have achieved the grade of Captain.
    His butt buddy Lindsay Graham, likewise should never become a Colonel in the USAFR.

  11. @MJA: The language of the bill states:

    “In performing its duties, the Commission, through its Board or designated employees or agents, may: Enter upon the WMATA Rail System and … upon any lands, waters, and premises adjacent to the WMATA Rail System, including, without limitation, property owned or occupied by the federal government…”. (emphasis mine)

    To me, that means they are saying this applies to all adjacent land, and federal property is not excluded from the law.

    If so, this is a bad precedent.

  12. @Vietvet – That’s the way I read it, too. That “without limitation” means that mentioning Fed property doesn’t limit the places that can be invaded to only Fed property. So, any adjacent property is subject to warrantless searches.

  13. McCain is the LAST person to ever belittle someone who’s been pardoned. He was most likely a very poor candidate to be selected for the Military Academies. Willing to bet his grades were not good enough to get into a junior college. He was pardoned and got in to Annapolis anyway. Graduated 5th from the bottom of 900. He was pardoned and got into very competitive and highly coveted Fighter-Attack school instead of helicopters, which he was not even close to qualifying for. Crashed three jets. Pardoned. Pulled a stupid stunt on the Forrestal, contributing to the death of over 100 sailors. He was pardoned. While a POW he was given special favors, turned his back on fellow POWs. He was pardoned. All through is political career he campaigned as a Conservative Republican but then voted liberal democrat. Every election the voters pardoned him. In the Keating 5 he was involved with felonies which should have put him away for the rest of his life. He was pardoned. He supported our enemies in Syria. Obama pardoned him. He should not be talking about anyone being pardoned.

  14. You know, In 2008 I held my nose and voted for that sumbich, because I couldn’t bear the thought of that shitstain obummer. In retrospect, I doubt he would have been a nickel’s worth better, and at least the shitstain set the stage for massive demonrat defeats. Sometimes it’s best not to get what you want……

  15. McCain knows he won’t be running for re-election and I suspect he knows his days are counted in weeks or months so he wants to damage Trump as much as he can figuring that he’ll be remembered as someone who stood up to him. It’s unlikely to happen and the moment he dies I suspect people will begin to come out with the truth about this horrible little man. His reputation will blacken like his soul and Arizona may just appoint a true, honest representative to finish this hateful mans term and begin to reclaim honor to the post.

  16. Ryan now is jumping on the dump on Trump over the pardon. I recalll reading once that while Harry Reid invoked the evil Koch brothers every chance he got the majority of voters didn’t know who they were. Probably the same for Arpaio outside of AZ and people that pay attention to politics. So the GOP dumping all over Trump for Arpaio is probably not even resonating with most people.

  17. John McCain does NOT deserve to be buried in Arlington.

    Families of those whose deaths he caused will also object to his burial there.

    There is nothing honorable in John McCain.

  18. I wonder who gave the order to whisk “wet start” McCain off the US Forrestal immediately after the tragic fire that killed and wounded hundreds of sailors. It should be somewhere in the bowels of naval
    records. Also I wonder if his arms were broken by Viet Cong gun butts or were they broken because he ejected improperly? I guess I’ll never kjnow.

  19. Geoff C. just read me a comment over at Knuckledragging this morning. This line stuck with me (regarding McCain’s comment after voting down the ACA) “Let’s see Trump make America great again now!” then he laughed.

    Here’s the rest of the comment:

    (Sorry for the length, but I thought it was worth it.)

    One of the many Bill’s says:
    08/26/2017 at 10:39

    McCain graduated 894th in his class of 899 students from the Naval Academy.
    He was known for being wild and it usually revolved around women.
    He was a member of a group of students who called themselves “The Bad Bunch”.
    He married Carol Shepp who was a successful swimsuit model.
    She had been married to one of his classmates and had two children from her first marriage.
    She and McCain became parents for a daughter one year later.
    He had been quite a playboy and was already becoming bored with the domesticated life.
    He requested active duty in Vietnam.
    While he was there, Carol faithfully stayed at home looking after the children and waiting anxiously for news about her husband
    His plane was shot down in 1967 and he became a POW.
    On Christmas Eve 1969, Carol and the children were spending the holiday with her parents.
    After dinner she was going to take gifts to some friends.
    The road was icy and she slid head-on into a telephone pole.
    She was thrown from the car through the front window.
    Her legs, spine, and right arm were crushed and she was in the hospital for 6 months.
    Ross Perot was an advocate of POW’s and he paid her medical bills.
    She requested that John not be told because she felt he already had enough to deal with.
    McCain was released in 1973 and returned home to much fanfare.
    Carol had several surgeries, lost 5 inches in height, and gained some weight…
    McCain told reporters he was overjoyed to see Carol again.
    But friends say privately he was ‘appalled’ by the change in her appearance.
    As a war hero, McCain was moving in ever-more elevated circles.
    “He started carousing and running around with women.”, reported Robert Timberg.
    Bob Timberg was a retired Marine, an American journalist, writer, and author of four books, including THE NIGHTINGALE’S SONG and JOHN MCCAIN: AN AMERICAN ODYSSEY.
    McCain admitted he started having many girlfriends and affairs during this time.
    On one trip to Hawaii he met an Anheuser Busch distributer heiress, Cindy Hensley, at a cocktail party.
    She was 17 years younger than McCain and worth $100 million dollars.
    He invited her to have drinks with him at the Royal Hawaiian Hotel. He said by the end of the evening he was in love.
    They had an affair for nine months while he was still married to and living with his wife Carol.
    McCain wanted to marry Cindy but needed first to get a divorce.
    He and Carol separated in January 1980.
    He requested a divorce in February, the divorce was sped along and granted in April.
    He and Cindy married 5 weeks after the divorce was final on May 17, 1980. Carol and their children were devastated. McCain callously left his first wife and children behind. He and Cindy moved to Arizona.
    Cindy’s father was well-connected and helped McCain move smoothly into Congress representing Arizona in Washington DC.
    McCain’s new wife and her family were extravagantly wealthy. Her father was one of the largest distributors of Anheuser Busch in the country and she was an only child.
    The divorce settlement afforded Carol McCain full custody of their three children, alimony, child support, including college tuition, houses in Virginia and Florida, and lifelong financial support for her continuing medical treatment from the car accident.
    Carol said the reason for the divorce was John turned 40 and he wanted to be 25 again.
    Carol was extremely hurt. She went to work as the press assistant for soon-to-be First Lady Nancy Reagan.
    She became loved and respected in Washington. She kept a dignified silence about the horrendous way McCain had treated her.
    Some of the McCain friends were less forgiving, however.
    They portray the politician as a self-centered womanizer who effectively abandoned his crippled wife to ‘play the field’. They accuse him of finally settling on Cindy, a former rodeo beauty queen, for financial reasons.
    Despite his popularity as a politician, there are those who have not forgotten his treatment of his first wife.
    Ted Sampley, who fought with US Special Forces in Vietnam is now a leading campaigner for veterans’ rights.
    Ted said, “I have been following John McCain’s career for nearly 20 years.
    I know him personally. There is something wrong with this guy and let me tell you what it is… deceit.
    “When he came home and saw that Carol was not the beauty he left behind, he started running around on her almost right away.
    Everybody around him knew it.
    Eventually he met Cindy and she was young, beautiful, and very wealthy.
    McCain just dumped Carol for something he thought was better.
    “This is a guy who makes such a big deal about his character. Yet he has no character. He is a fake.”
    Ross Perot, who paid her medical bills all those years ago, now believes that both Carol McCain and the American people have been taken in by a man who is unusually slick and cruel, even by the standards of modern politics.
    Mr. Perot said, “McCain is the classic opportunist. He’s always reaching for attention and glory.
    After he came home, Carol walked with a limp. So he threw her over for a poster girl with big money from Arizona. And the rest is history.
    A man who cannot be faithful to a loving, self-sacrificing wife cannot be trusted to be faithful to the American people.
    Cindy has also had to learn the lessons about her husband the hard way.
    Even though she and McCain put on a perfect front for the public, especially when he is running for office, she really is an invisible wife to him.
    Tom Gosinski, who served as director of Cindy McCain’s nonprofit American Voluntary Medical Team (AVMT) wrote in his journal about the McCain marriage:
    “During my short tenure at AVMT I have been surrounded by what on the surface appears to be the ultimate all-American family. In reality, I am working for a very sad, lonely woman.
    Her marriage of convenience to a U.S. Senator has driven her to distance herself from friends, cover feelings of despair with drugs, and replace lonely moments with self-indulgences.
    She became addicted to Percocet and had a doctor prescribing them for her illegally. When her parents learned she was taking them, they helped her stop.
    Washington rumors were saying McCain had an inappropriate relationship with the young and lovely lobbyist, Vicki Iseman.
    Ms. Iseman began visiting McCain’s offices and campaign events so frequently in 2000 that his aides were “convinced the relationship had become romantic”.
    One staff member supposedly asked, “Why is she always around?”
    His staff members began a campaign to “save McCain from himself” by restricting Iseman’s access to McCain during the course of the 2000 presidential primary.
    According to the Washington Post, McCain’s political advisor John Weaver met with Iseman at Washington’s Union Station to tell Iseman not to see McCain anymore.
    It is not a real marriage between John and Cindy McCain. Real marriages usually involve living together.
    McCain and Cindy have not “lived” together for 20 years.
    To defend this, McCain brags the family takes two vacations together every year and Ms. McCain is the one who has always made that happen.”
    Two vacations per year…What a farse and fake!!
    Nothing about this man is real.
    He has no compassion or empathy for anyone except himself.
    The only real thing emotion he is capable of is anger.
    He is famous for his anger.
    His father and grandfather were both decorated Navy Admirals.
    He was given special privileges and extreme preferential treatment while he served in the Navy.
    He was a pilot but according to his colleagues he was a very bad pilot. He actually crashed three planes.
    There was a horrendous incident that happened on his aircraft carrier, the U.S.S. Forrestal, that killed 134 men.
    There has been a debate since the incident with some being convinced John McCain was responsible for this accident.
    Others are angry about anyone who would dare speak against a Naval officer and embarrass an entire branch of service.
    Many witnesses have reported that McCain was guilty of a “wet start”.
    When a pilot wants to be a show off, with a “wet start” his engine start creates a large startling flame and lots of surprise noise from the rear of a jet engine on start up
    McCain did the “Wet Start”.
    It was not an accident.
    The flames from the wet start torched off the launching of a powerful Zuni rocket on the plane behind him.
    The Zuni rockets were famous for having electrical problems.
    It shot across the carrier’s deck hitting other parked planes that were packing 1,000 high-explosive pound bombs.
    This caused the bombs to explode.
    The subsequent massive explosions, fire and destruction went several decks below and nearly sunk this major 82,000 ton U.S. aircraft carrier.
    This stunt and aftermath caused the death of 134 sailors and blew off arms, legs, and caused blindness and burns to another 161 sailors.
    McCain jumped from his plane, rolled across the flames, and escaped.
    He watched the men dying and the burning from a closed circuit television on the ship.
    Sadly all of those lives were lost.
    They had to take the ship off the battle line for 2 years when it had to be taken back to port for $76 million dollars of extensive repairs.
    That does not include the cost of replacing the airplanes or ammunition.
    Other Navy pilots causing this type of death and destruction would have been arrested and would probably still be in prison.
    Why didn’t this happened to John McCain?
    McCain’s grandfather was a famous FOUR STAR Navy admiral and his dad, at the time of the incident, was also a powerful illustrious FOUR STAR Navy admiral.
    McCain had graduated from the Naval Academy.
    Witnesses say the good ole boy Navy tradition went into high gear immediately.
    McCain was not even reprimanded.
    When there is a cover-up, the soldier is usually simply assigned to another ship.
    McCain was quietly assigned to another ship.
    There is an ongoing debate about the incident to this day.
    John McCain’s lack of character was further demonstrated when he voted not to repeal Obamacare.
    He had run his 2016 Senatorial race under the banner he would LEAD the fight to repeal Obamacare.
    He hates Donald Trump so very much he gleefully held his thumb down for his vote rather than a thumbs up.
    He laughed afterwards and said, “Let’s see Donald Trump save America now!”
    What a horrible man.
    He stabbed his constituents and the citizens of America in the back.
    Liberal socialists now call him their hero.
    McCain has recently discovered he has a brain tumor.
    I am genuinely sorry for anyone who has to face a health issue especially when it involves cancer.
    Thankfully for him the doctors have said it is curable.
    The fact that he now has a brain tumor does not change the horrendous things he has done in his life because of his extremely low flawed character.
    If Senator McCain’s own health care was dependent on the Obamacare he has continued to saddle the American people with, I guarantee he would not have voted thumbs-down.
    But because he married a wealthy heiress and has plenty of money to take care of his own health needs, he does not care.

    What a guy

  20. AA,
    I’ve read bits and pieces for along time about this spineless bastard that confirm what you’ve posted. I told everyone from the get I was voting for Palin back in the day. Great find Geoff.

  21. BB — Well, I mangled the original quote but you get the picture no doubt. I had no idea he was married before and that he and his current wife don’t live together.

    Such an evil man. I’d be getting myself right with God if I were him. It’s not everyone who gets diagnosed with a fatal disease and has the chance to turn his life around. No amount of money is going to buy him a pass.

  22. AA,

    Remember back to the second debate McCain vs Obama when they were taking the stage and that weak sister McCain did that freaken weird running man gesture with his tongue hanging out while walking behind Obama? I turned to the better half and said “we just lost, and I cant believe this is our best choice.”

  23. Brad if all of this is true about him which I have no doubt , his exwife has lead and is living a great life, and is much loved by many , John ” Thumbs Down ” McCain not so much.
    He really is scum and that is all I can say about him.

  24. Geoff C. The Saltine

    we have relatives in Phoenix/Scottsdale. A bunch of conservatives and the one and only College Edjumicated Liberal Attorney in the wood pile. The Conservative HATE Mcstain, the LIB votes for him across party lines and defends him. weird.

  25. The only way to speed up his demise is to tell Killary he’s got smack on her and is going to the EFF BEEE IIII.

    POS just proves daily he’s a POS. Somebody needs to hit him with a bus.

  26. I Did Brad , and yes we are tired of being used and abused. This all started 100 + years ago with the Frankfort school.
    We are getting toward the end and only one side will come out on top.
    Sleep well.

  27. the only reason dumbbell John got into the Academy was because he was a DOUBLE LEGACY! His grandfather was an Admiral (4 stars) his father was Cptn, on his way to Admiral (4 stars). He only graduated because of hi grandfather and father. Nepotism has a long tradition in governments, all governments!

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