I Guess We Need a Post For Anyone That Cares About the Mayweather/McGregor Fight – IOTW Report

I Guess We Need a Post For Anyone That Cares About the Mayweather/McGregor Fight

Floyd Mayweather expects to make 350 MILLION dollars on this fight (this includes his 100 million dollar guarantee), which would put him over 1 BILLION dollars in career earnings.

Conor McGregor will make about 30 million, doubling his current estimated net worth.

Mayweather is a boxer.

McGregor is a mixed martial arts fighter.

Tonight they will box.

Vegas has Mayweather as a huge underdog favorite (edited because I was punchdrunk when I posted this) . The line is currently -500 Mayweather, +385 McGregor.

What’s 10 bucks? Drop it on McGregor and you might make a nice pay day. (Or you can donate it to iOTWreport.com!) ((Always plugging!!)

31 Comments on I Guess We Need a Post For Anyone That Cares About the Mayweather/McGregor Fight

  1. Ah well, a fool and his money are soon parted (those on pay-for-view and the gamblers).
    The only winners are the two fighters, promoters, gambling syndicate and the government.

    If Mayweather and the load mouth McGregor aren’t using baseball bats, I don’t care.

  2. Betting $10 on macgregor would be a waste of $10. He cannot win. The odds are 0. Literally impossible. People say “well macgregor may land a lucky hit!” NOOOOO! Mayweather has never lost… that means the best in the world “Manny Paquio couldn’t land a “lucky hit” If Paquio Couldn’t land a “lucky hit” Macgregor can’t. They can give Macgregor a trillion-to-one odds and you would be wasting money betting on him. MMA and boxing are too different sports. World heavy weight James Toney got choked out by Randy couture in about 30 seconds.

  3. I think the one whose accustomed rules they use would win, either way. It’s boxing rules so I think Mayweather will destroy him. But if it were UFC rules I think it would be even more of a blowout, for McGregor.

  4. Regarding the Vegas over/under odds I think I now understand it. Here’s the odds BFH Posted: -500 Mayweather, +385 McGregor. This means if you bet $500 on Mayweather, and he wins, you will get paid $600 (your $500 bet + $100). If you bet $100 on McGregor and he wins you will get paid $385. Obviously, if your bet loses, you lose what you bet (risked). Someone correct me if I’m wrong. I’m just learning this.

  5. Mayweather or McGregor – depending on who is suppose to throw the “fight”. This is so Hollywood, I’ll be surprised If it lasts a couple of rounds. If I had to pick, kinda hope McGregor wins by some miracle.

  6. OK, I was wrong. If you bet $100 on McGregor and he wins you will get paid $485 ($385 + your $100 bet). Oh hell! Just send $10 to: PO Box 881563, Port St. Lucie, FL 34988

  7. I’m going to a fight party tonight, it’s an excuse to get together. Whatever anyone thinks about the fight, I’ll see some friends I haven’t seen in some time.

    My prediction. McGregor beats the crap out of Mayweather.

  8. Mano-a-mano chainsaws in a phone booth?
    Still wouldn’t pay to see it ….
    Mayweather is an old man compared to Conor. The right shot and he be hurt for life or worse. How much more $ do these guys need? Another black eye for western civilization.

  9. So much of a modern fighter whether boxing or ultimate fighting depends on “muscle memory”, meaning that during a lot of the fight you’re halfway into a punch or a back-kick before you’re even aware you’re reacting. This is likely to spell the end of McGregor as if he uses UFC tactics/fighting moves he loses so he’ll have to be thinking about every reaction to make sure he doesn’t accidently disqualify himself and during that split second Mayweather will be disassembling him. If you turned the tables and fought UFC rules I think McGregor would likely win.

  10. My oldest son drove up to South Lake (Tahoe) last night to watch this circus at one of the casinos with a bunch of friends. All good looking shit kicking all American kids that wear their hair high and tight. I took the time to sounds like an old man warning them about Antifa stabbing people with no warning that look exactly like them. I got the “Let em try it” line. I remember when I was bullet proof.

  11. By the way, one of, not the only, advantage Mayweather has is he knows how to use the ring to his advantage. They don’t call it the sweet science for nothing. I love boxing and I hate people rolling around on the ground slapping each other. An opinion that does not go over well with my sons. Boxing is an awesome sport ruined by brawlers.

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