Mayweather/McGregor – IOTW Report


24 Comments on Mayweather/McGregor

  1. Huffpo is always right…….oops, I mean left, far left.
    It’s a news service for progressives, socialists, marxists, communists, illegals and perverts (is naming democrats to this list redundant?).

  2. Two multimillionaires who are already guaranteed $70+ million no matter who wins.
    All they have to do is show up.
    Nice work.

    Heck, I’ll show up and let either of them knock me out for only $10 Million.

  3. I said it in the previous post… The odds are zero…. Would a pretty good football player be able to beat Michael Jordan in his prime in a game of 1-on-1 basketball? No. That’s an exact comparison of what we are talking here. BFH, post my comment in the morning. After everyone has found out Mayweather won.

  4. Pff, the Irish have been going down hill fast since they first introduced that soap that you can only use one season out of four. Really? what kind of marketing plan was that?

  5. No such luck. Mayweather is old and slow. Flatfooted. McGreagorer can’t stop using MMA hammer fists. He’s got the reach and the speed. Not a pretty fight.

    Round 4 comin’ up.

  6. Honestly if this has gone four rounds it’s a joke. WWE Wrestlemania crap. Cautious Clay could beat this guys ass in a ring and he’s dead. Flat footed is a dead give away.

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