The NY Times is Realizing There’s Going To Be A Backlash Against Statuephobia – IOTW Report

The NY Times is Realizing There’s Going To Be A Backlash Against Statuephobia

The recent frenzy on the left to assault the symbols of the Confederacy has the New York Times concerned that perhaps calling a large swath of this country racist isn’t good political strategy.  They fear the statue-mania is going to both “energize” the right and “alienate” the center.


29 Comments on The NY Times is Realizing There’s Going To Be A Backlash Against Statuephobia

  1. From the traditionalRIGHT

    The White Right Rises

    “One reason Donald Trump won last year’s election was that he was widely perceived as the white candidate. This marked something more important than his election: the rise of white political consciousness. As other racial and ethnic groups have done for some time (“La Raza” means “The Race”), whites are increasingly defining themselves by race rather than class. Like other groups, they perceive they have group interests as whites and they are willing to work and vote for those interests. This is entirely legitimate.

    But why are whites seeing their interests best served by the right rather than the left? Because the left is now dominated by cultural Marxists, and cultural Marxism defines all whites as evil “oppressors.” Just as classical economic Marxism labelled all capitalists and landlords as evil, regardless of what individuals did (many cared about and for their employees), so cultural Marxism considers all whites bad to the bone (unless, maybe, they are gay). Whites are supposed to do nothing but grovel endlessly in the dirt before “people of color”, apologizing for being white.

    Not surprisingly, a growing number of whites aren’t buying it. It is not conservatives but cultural Marxists who have created the rise of white political consciousness. If you keep kicking a dog for being a dog, eventually it does what dogs do and bites you. Cultural Marxists would do well to remember that when whites get mad enough to bite, the bite is often fatal.”

  2. A quote, if I may —

    “I was raised by one of the greatest men in the world. There was never one born of a woman greater than Gen. Robert E. Lee, according to my judgment. All of his servants were set free ten years before the war, but all remained on the plantation until after the surrender.”
    William Mack Lee (Robert E. Lee’s Black Servant)

  3. I sent a note to Richmond’s mayor last week. If you erase the confederacy from the capital of the confederacy then your tourism dollars are finished.
    It’s a simple economic argument. Black mayors need white dollars to prop up their decrepit city.

    It’s not all mayor Stoney’s fault. This city has been headed for the shitter ever since Timmy Kaine was mayor and Mark Warner was Governor. It takes a concerted effort to take a state rich in history off the tourism trail.

  4. If I might add, Gen. Lee was against slavery. His wife and her father had slaves when he married her.

    Gen. Grant and his wife had slaves and kept them through the war.

    The Emancipation Proclamation freed slaves in Confederate States, where Lincoln had no power.

    It did NOT free slaves in Union States where he DID have power to free them.

    Lincoln did not care for the negroes. He was involved in establishing Liberia (means free) in Africa to return those who wanted to be sent back.

  5. What’s a shame is how beautiful many of these statues are, that are being removed.
    That Jesus statue removed from the California Catholic campus was truly awesome.
    The Left embraces guttural trash art like Piss Christ, or anything Mapplethorpe, and condemns truly beautiful art, because they are incapable of logical thought, or actively rebel against it.

  6. I am at Gettysburg right now. I just saw a spastic young man in a car covered in Bernie/hard left stickers go quickly up the Oak Ridge Observation Tower on Doubleday Ave. Really only stayed up there for under 5 minutes after carrying up a big tripod and camera. I got photos of him and his car. He was just acting ODD. Determined.

  7. I hope at some time in the near future that Ryan and McCONnel will feel energized to put America and its citizens first.

    They never had a problem putting Obama’s agenda through the House or Senate. Why obstruct Trump?

    If you aren’t going to lead, at least follow the majority of US citizens.

  8. There’s a Penal Code in California, most states have a similar one, that states something to the effect that if law enforcement can’t protect you during a riot you can use deadly force. Remember Korean Town during the Watts riots. Well the Bezerkly Police Department just BAILED again. Antifa chased them out. Sooner or later blood will spill.

  9. All these rallies are useless. If they want a rally, go sit up in congress and do that. If the antifa dopes get in, well, they get dealt with by the police. They won’t have a choice.

  10. MJA, the right should keep applying for permits everywhere, send a few token supporters to draw out the aintifa, and then have them make a tactical withdrawal. Let the aintifa show up, trash the town, beat each other up and fight the police. Eventually, they will feel themselves invincible and be lured across a bridge too far into unfriendly territory. Then, what Bad_Brad speaks of will happen.

  11. Oh, I failed to mention that there was a young couple strolling down Doubleday Ave beyond the Observation Tower and holding up a small sign. The spastic lefty who took his gear up on the Tower in such a conspicuous way stopped after passing the young couple (while driving down Doubleday) presumably to take photos of them and the sign. I was too far away to get a pic of their sign. After the lefty’s car pulled away the guy holding the sign put it into his backpack. I have a pic of them, but just from the back – can’t make out what the sign says. I was on foot and am slow.

  12. MJA

    The trouble didn’t even happen at the original location of the Prayer thing. It happened at Berkeley. Looks like a shit load of Antifa showed up there and a handful of Trump Supporters. Not real smart. From the images I’m seeing Antifa and the Black Block were rioting. The cops jumped in their cruisers and split.

  13. I’m a little bit too old to physically take on some 35 y.o. asshole but I do carry and I’m damn tired of ‘the law’ not doing their duty.
    They want to rumble?? Let’s do it.
    As for the law….lead, follow or get the hell out of the way.

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