File this in the left’s “there is no voter fraud” file – IOTW Report

File this in the left’s “there is no voter fraud” file

Chicago had 14,000 more votes than voters in 2016 general election

More than 14,000 votes were cast in Chicago during the 2016 general election than there were voters to cast them, based on separate figures released by the Chicago Board of Elections, the chairman of the Chicago Republican Party has reported.

Chris Cleveland told the Chicago Wire that “on a whim,” he filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request with the board, which provided him with a list of 1,101,178 people who voted in the general election. An earlier post on the board’s website said that 1,115,664 votes had been cast.

19 Comments on File this in the left’s “there is no voter fraud” file

  1. In April, the group sent a notice-of-violation letter along with a threat to sue the 11 states.

    Please sink Illinois to hell where it belongs. Not that I enjoy living in hell. I just want proper recognition. This state (Cook County) sucks major donkey balls.

  2. Fingerprint voting. The tech is there. Mail in vote? Send the ballot with some ink and scan the print when received. Enough with these Voter ID laws being rayyyycciisssss.
    Everyone has a fingerprint. Can also prevent felon voting because —you all are smart enough to know why.
    Of course fingerprints will then become racist. Because everyone knows blacks are disproportionately in prison. Because they are all innocent.

  3. When the Green Party candidate wanted a recount after the Presidential election, Michigan couldn’t even be counted because of “mistakes”. Just in Detroit 66 Precincts couldn’t be counted because of improper ballots and record keeping. In Flint 22 Precincts were the same. They stopped the Michigan count after those “mistakes” were found. One Precinct voter box in Detroit said 349 votes on the outside and had 50 ballots inside. Those were Democrat Precincts, of course. Flint and Detroit have been in Democratic hands for 60 years.

  4. Illinois is the third most corrupt state in the Union.
    Their placement is based upon crime and corruption the government has been caught at and convicted.

    Just imagine if “all” of the corruption and crime in Illinois Government were exposed. Illinois #1 !

    Illinois would finally gain the recognition they deserve.

  5. Guessing only 80% of eligible voters went to the pols

    Much too high. Nationally, 55% of eligible voters voted in the 2016 election (that includes fraudulent votes, so actual turnout is less than 55%). In Chicago, I expect even less than that, since without Obama running, black turnout is less than the nation average. I expect the real number is well under 50%. So that implies the majority of votes cast in Chicago are fraudulent. Too many minority majority districts have >100% turnout, reliably for the Democrats.

  6. I’m getting really tired of the pile of illegal, shady, unethical, and etc, 💩 that keeps getting ‘discovered’. What a freaking joke.

    Our Justice departments and judicial system have been corrupted to the point of allowing the Clinton’s being free and all of obama’s over reaching 💩, including everyone of his colluders sailing high, while damaging the USA as much as they can.

    And don’t even get me started on the elitist bastards who are supposed to act as representatives of the people. DISGUSTING.

  7. MMM – I think you have touched on an important issue, that being that the corruption, that has been around so long and runs so deep (particularly in Chicago), has become a de-facto standard that nobody questions, nobody really finds out about (until maybe much later) and there are no consequences to ever be paid for it. Now that Donald Trump is President, the “standard” is being challenged and guess what? Nobody likes it!


    That’s all Trump has to do to swoop in and take all the data he wants. Who knows? All those extra voters could be RUSSIANS influencing our elections!

  9. Those 14,000 votes illegally negated the votes of registered voters in a few downstate cities. Because of corrupt, cheating, Chicago democrat assholes, my vote meant less than it should have.

  10. I learned how it works from Chicago activists back in the 1980’s.
    They have been doing it for decades.

    Before the election they go door to door in the urban apartment buildings.
    Politely ask people if they intend to vote.
    If they say no you thank them and check off the name.
    Then on election day the activists vote for them under the persons name and address.
    That’s how it’s done.
    easy peasy

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