Hillary’s Emails Coming Despite What FBI Says- Wikileaks – IOTW Report

Hillary’s Emails Coming Despite What FBI Says- Wikileaks

20 Comments on Hillary’s Emails Coming Despite What FBI Says- Wikileaks

  1. Is that “americans don’t care about e-mails” statement OK’d by the new directer I wonder? If so thats a big signal flair nothing’s changing in the corrupt outfit.

  2. That rat bastard commie who decided Hillary scandals are not worth showing to America deserves to be imprisoned. What the hell is wrong with the FBI? Are they corrupt to the core? They need to be turned around. Do guys at the top think FBI equals KGB?

  3. WTF is going on with the FBI anyway?
    Thank God for Assange and the info he possesses because we sure as hell can’t rely on the agencies that are supposed to uphold the law anymore.

  4. The Clintons must have the goods on a lot of powerful people and institutions. What else can explain their ability to avoid prosecution for all their corruption?

    It’s as if the government goes out of their way to protect them. Even Trump changed his tune.

  5. I wanted to join the FBI when I became a citizen after four years in the Army, They did not accept naturalized citizens, Only pure blood American citizens, Now they accept pure muslim blood mutterfokers, Born in the USA. Gimmeafookenbreak!

  6. I’m generally a pretty patient person, but why is it taking so damn long to release more (or the rest) of Hillary’s emails? C’mon, Julian– we’re counting on you to do the work the government isn’t willing to do!

  7. Out Of All The Craziness Swirling Around, Clouding Reality …This is The # 1 Problem .
    This is How Goverments are First Corrupted Then Overthrown By Political Sicophants Creating a False Reality !!!

  8. ….That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these Ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government…

  9. I remember when the first raft of mails and information came from WikiLeaks. I felt at the time that Assange was criminal who needed to be arrested. Now after watching the government cover up, lie and cheat I’m thinking that Assange is one of the few responsible for the survival of the Republic and if Trump pardons anyone else then it should be him.

  10. Trump doesn’t need to pardon Assange because he hasn’t violated any U.S. laws. I would like to see him find a way to bring Assange to this country to carry out his work in freedom, and refuse extradition on grounds of asylum from political persecution.

    Trump owes Assange big time, IMHO.

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