Something about an Old-Timey Peanut/Popcorn Vendor in the Middle of Antifa Cracks Me up – IOTW Report

Something about an Old-Timey Peanut/Popcorn Vendor in the Middle of Antifa Cracks Me up

Good job, sir!.

ht/ all too much

16 Comments on Something about an Old-Timey Peanut/Popcorn Vendor in the Middle of Antifa Cracks Me up

  1. Made it to 4:30 mark and I might need to start drinking again. Antifa’s strength is it’s sheer numbers of Moron basement dwelling pussies. We need to kill a few. I’m a comedian.

  2. “Gesualdi says he won’t let the bad experience deter him from going to future rallies if it allows him to keep exposing their absurdity, but he worries that Antifa will paint a target on his back if he becomes a regular face.

    “The Berkeley police were nowhere to be seen on both occasions I’ve gone and I honestly believe it’s only a matter of time before someone gets killed at one of these things,” he says.” –
    Daily Caller article

    Paint a bigger target on him? He can count on it. He might want to check his health and life insurance.

  3. He is doing a great job. Appeared to know his crowd and when to attack, when to back off and when to retreat from the More CowBell “lady”.

    cowbells, gawd what an irritant. Can grabbing her arm to stop that be called assault?

    It makes ya want to cram that cowbell up her ass.

  4. RosalinJ : As much As I Enjoyed The Video, I Don’t Think He Should Do it Again… They’ll Think They Owe Him For Showing How They Actaully Act !
    He Seems Like a Nice Guy and He’s Very Good !

  5. This guy is a hoot!
    Back to the future story. In my young naive hippie days a friend and I were at a rock festival, stoned of course. We were sitting on a blanket watching a vendor sell watermelons from his large dumptruck near the stage when commies jumped up on his truck and began throwing watermelons to other commies. The vendor then got back into his truck and began driving through the crowd to escape. Now people were jumping on the truck to assault the guy and he’s driving faster right toward us. Stoned as we were we jumped out of the way at the last split second as the guy ran right over our blanket! The guy escaped after running over several people. I never heard if he was ever charged.

  6. he should have said “everyone knows the machinery of Capitalism is oiled by the blood of the Workers!”

    I loved his Hitler Rap at 8:42. I haven’t laughed that hard in years.

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