CNN Bint, Alisyn Camerota, Tries Desperately To Get Texas Guv To Criticize Trump – IOTW Report

CNN Bint, Alisyn Camerota, Tries Desperately To Get Texas Guv To Criticize Trump

This is not reporting, this is shaping the “news.”

CNN, and Camerota in particular, is loathsome.


Camerota pressed the Texas governor further, asking, “Do you think that the president should have talked more about the victims? I mean, when you talk about his compassion, obviously there is some criticism today that he didn’t talk enough about the victims, he didn’t reach out to them enough.”

In response, Abbott told Camerota that Trump “talked to me at length about the victims and about the devastation that he saw and about his deep concern about what people were going through.”

“He and I together were watching on TV the flooding that was occurring in Houston. He didn’t want to go to that location because he didn’t want to interfere with it. But he expressed his sorrow and deep concern about how these people’s lives have been completely inundated, and his compassion and commitment to help them to respond,” he said.

“And, as I think you have reported, [Trump] will be going there soon to try to help the people in the Houston region,” Abbott added. “But he also understands this is bigger than just Houston. He’s concerned all the way from Corpus Christi and Port Aransas to the flooding that is now going on in the Beaumont region.”

Undeterred, Camerota gave the Texas governor one more opportunity to criticize Trump, asking Abbott if he wished that Trump had “put out the word for more help” to get “more Americans involved in sort of this moment of coming together for Houston and Texas” through donations and manpower.

This is shameless and absolute naked bias.
Horrible news outlet.


18 Comments on CNN Bint, Alisyn Camerota, Tries Desperately To Get Texas Guv To Criticize Trump

  1. She Exhausted Herself Fishing With a 20 foot Surf Rod !
    He Mentioned The Gaurd Coming in and Her Face Went Sour and Sick , She Wore That Frown Like a Cat Riding A Dog … Until She Mentioned That The Mexicans Could Help, and She Was Let Down Again !!!

  2. The fact that Trump acted in advance to plan, and issused emergency declarations immediately demonstrates more compassion than strained facial expressions and formulaic words that the media scores as “compassion”.

  3. None of them mention the 2016 flooding in Baton Rouge when then candidate Trump brought a trailer tractor load of supplies donated out of his pocket while Obama golfed on Martha’s Vineyard and Hillary was nowhere to be found.

  4. There has to be a contest for atrocious (can’t use the terms ‘reporter’, ‘newsperson’, ‘host’, ‘purveyor of daily information’; aaaahhh, got it; bullshit slinger), BSer at CNN. Even Shepherd Smith is a contestant.

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