Obama, The Racist – IOTW Report

Obama, The Racist

Here’s Obama talking sense on illegal immigration-

9 Comments on Obama, The Racist

  1. Simply a miserable Piece O Shit that says whatever he thinks people want to hear at the time.
    “Nothing in our plan requires you to change anything you have”
    “If you like your insurance plan, you can keep your insurance plan”
    “If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor”

  2. Obama on illegal immigrants voting:

    When Obama was elected the first go round he handily won the deceased, as well as other fictitious groups vote. In 2012 more votes were counted for him than voters that had actually existed.

    When losing at the ballot box, count on misplaced democrat votes being found in trees, garbage dumps, or wherever else.

    Exactly How Is VOTER I.D. Racist?

  3. It’s quite sad how they falsely label a non racist Like Barack Obama as a racist to try and validate their own very real racism. A known tactic and quite stale at this point.

    Because Klansman Trump is such a moronic clown
    And a racist, sexist, homophobe, xenophobe that’s bankrupting businesses on Daddy’s money.

  4. Oh the Republicans will make political hay out of this!

    Don’t you worry. They are a savvy political party, and will rub the democrat’s nose in this from now until forever! We will get the wall and everything we want b/c they can’t deny their own party’s standards.

    That’s exactly what I would say if the Republicans were any good at politics.

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