Comey Wrote Clinton Exoneration BEFORE Hillary Or Other Key Players Testified – IOTW Report

Comey Wrote Clinton Exoneration BEFORE Hillary Or Other Key Players Testified

The Lid:

Many people were surprised when we learned that when Hillary Clinton testified to the FBI over 4th of July weekend in 2015, the agents didn’t require her to take the “sworn oath to tell the truth” nor did they record the interview. Now we know why. The fix was in. Even before FBI investigators interviewed key witnesses including Hillary Clinton herself,  former FBI director James Comey had already decided not to refer her for prosecution. Evidence released by Senators Chuck Grassley and Lindsey Graham in a letter to FBI Director Wray, revealed that Comey drafted the exoneration speech sometime in late April or early May a full two months before Clinton’s testimony as well as the testimony of sixteen other key players including Cheryl Mills, Bryan Pagliano, Heather Samuelson, Justin Cooper, and John Bentel

Per the Senators, the way they discovered the information because of a Democratic Party request to investigate Comey:


19 Comments on Comey Wrote Clinton Exoneration BEFORE Hillary Or Other Key Players Testified

  1. This continued corruption on the Federal level undermines local justice. Both my wife and I receive regular jury summons at least annually. Being retired, 67, and raised to respect civic duty, I haven’t minded serving on a jury. However, I’m feeling beat down by the constant drumbeat of corruption of our “betters”. It will be very hard to convict even an obvious criminal when thinking about the scum that walk away from crimes against our society.

  2. The entire system is corrupt ….. top to bottom! From federal to state to local courts, the system is utterly corrupt!

    The recent verdicts in favor of the Bundy Ranch folks shows how utterly corrupt the entire federal government is and that “normal” people seem to be waking up to it. The defense attorney for them noted that he thought that the jury recognized that the federal “judge” illegally refused to let the defendants fully and honestly testify about the whole ordeal (in essence, to defend themselves at all) in a corrupt attempt to convict innocent people.

    America no longer has a “justice system” at any level. Instead, we have a corrupt, criminal enterprise falsely claiming that it is a system of justice when in reality, all too often, it is nothing more than a deliberate coverup for lying, government criminals fleecing the citizens of America while falsely claiming to “protect the public”.

  3. There has always been a level of corruption in government, but up until recently, its been manageable. With the 8 years of the Obozo administration it has exploded, and rife throughout. If we don’t get a wolf running the DOJ it will keep getting worse. It’s reached critical mass.

  4. expecting the government to properly police itself is the definition of insanity.

    it will never happen.

    no one will give up that much power, money and fame because it’s the “right thing to do”.

    the fact that all of them turn a blind eye to the corruption leads me to believe they are all in on it.

    the only way to remove the corruption is to remove the incentive.

    a large budget of 4.5 trillion dollars is way too big a prize for them.

    reduce the federal government budget and you will reduce the corruption.

  5. Lordy. The fix was in with Comey, and Hillary still blames him and the Macedonian Content Farmers for her defeat. This should make Comey’s autobiography a best seller if he titles it “What Didn’t Happen And Why.”
    Time is fast approaching for a Special Counsel to investigate the Clinton Emails and the Clinton Global Enrichment Foundation. Oh, Lordy.

  6. @bill September 1, 2017 at 7:06 am

    no one will give up that much power, money and fame because it’s the “right thing to do”

    No one seeks the score, because it’s the “right thing to do”

    the only way to remove the corruption is to remove the incentive

    No one saught the score, because it was the “right thing to do”

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