Clinton, Sanders Have More Fake Than Real Twitter Followers – IOTW Report

Clinton, Sanders Have More Fake Than Real Twitter Followers

WFB: The Twitter accounts of Hillary Clinton and Sen. Bernie Sanders (I., Vt.), as well as those of top Democratic Sens. Cory Booker (N.J.) and Elizabeth Warren (Mass.), have more fake than real followers.

The analysis site TwitterAudit, which calculates how many of one’s Twitter followers are real, found that 9,086,280 of Clinton’s 17.9 million followers are fake, while 8,729,955 are real accounts. For Sanders, 4,638,005 of his 7.74 million followers are fake, while 3,079,142 are real accounts.

Sanders’ numbers are from his personal Twitter Account, @BernieSanders. His official Senate account, @SenSanders, has 2,613,107 fake followers and 3,142,635 real ones.

Booker has 1,978,364 fake followers compared to his 1,369,122 real ones. Warren’s Twitter account has 1,585,213 fake followers and 1,428,499 real ones. Several other Democratic politicians also have Twitter accounts with a high percentage of fake followers.  more

17 Comments on Clinton, Sanders Have More Fake Than Real Twitter Followers

  1. It seems appropriate that people who don’t give a rat’s ass about anyone, who spend taxpayer dollars buying votes from minorities they really don’t want to help, and who spend millions in public relations so voters won’t find out who they really are would have fake followers.

  2. Somebody was trying to sell Twitter followers on GAB.
    I told him buying fake followers was like getting a blow job from your mother.
    No matter how good it felt, it was still very wrong.
    He didn’t like that.

  3. Mandela and Tutu had more fake followers than Buthelezi, and you know how THAT turned out.
    In a world drowning in Mendacity nothing matters but the gross power (quality and quantity) of the propaganda.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Ultimately (please notice I am not using that sucky phrase, “At the end of the day…”), her GREED and CORRUPTION will be her undoing…pray that undoing comes SOON!!!

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