Barack Says 35% of Firms Building His Library Must Go To Minorities – IOTW Report

Barack Says 35% of Firms Building His Library Must Go To Minorities


Before construction of President Obama’s future library can commence, contractors must first show they will hire minorities to work on the construction teams.

“The Obama Foundation is asking the four construction teams vying to build the presidential center to set high standards for local and minority hiring,” reports dnainfo. “The foundation announced four finalists Thursday morning and also the standards for hiring the foundation is setting for each.”

To win the honor of building the president’s library, the firms must present a full-scale plan to award half of its subcontracts to “diverse suppliers.” The new standards expand beyond just women and minority-owned companies to veteran, disabled, and LGBTQ-owned. At least 35% of contracts must go to minority-owned firms regardless of whether or not they provide the best service or do the best job.



39 Comments on Barack Says 35% of Firms Building His Library Must Go To Minorities

  1. Whatever you do, Hussein Obama, DON’T choose a contractor based on merit. Get the Racist Al Sharpton to help you completely disregard merit and simply pluck a thug off the street that happens to share your skin color.
    Here’s hoping the ribbon cutting alone is enough to topple the shoddy building. Lord knows the inspectors will be bribed in advance anyway.

  2. Ok, then. Let the money laundering begin.

    There was a perfect poem for this fiasco. Something about a crooked man building a crooked house. I’ll have to find it.

    1842 English Nursery Rhyme:

    There was a crooked man, and he walked a crooked mile.
    He found a crooked sixpence upon a crooked stile.
    He bought a crooked cat, which caught a crooked mouse,
    And they all lived together in a little crooked house.

  3. Is Saudi Arabian a registered minority?….He’ll bow to their contract. Maybe “The Kenyan Pipe fitters Union” will get some work. I hear they moved their headquarters to Hawaii, cuz we all know that a Kenyan lays good pipe just backwards…

  4. “At least 35% of contracts must go to minority-owned firms regardless of whether or not they provide the best service or do the best job.”

    I don’t know whether to laugh or cry at the this remark.

    Perhaps all entry doors should have painted on them, “Hard hat area,” you know, just in case.

  5. If the construction company promised, if awarded the contract, to complete the work to the same standard as the Obama presidency.

    Would Barry immediately throw them out of the room?
    Or just get an oh-crap look on his face, and keep quiet about the implication?

  6. “Obama is just trying to correct the minority unemployment rate he did nothing about while president.”

    Nah, it’s all about percentages for him. That’s why he put all those white males out of work. Just trying to get the ratio right.

  7. That should keep OSHA inspectors busy for a few years. I’d say competent AA tradesmen (or women) in the building trades are pretty scant. Most spend their time studying sociology and black studies. It will be interesting to watch. Imagine a real 21st century Tower of Babel. Hey Tyree the rough opening was ‘sposed to be 82 inches by 4o inches, not 79″ X 39″. Rip it down! Sure Boss, no problem.

  8. Aren’t all contractors “minority-owned” in Kenya?

    IOW, if skin color is his sole selection criteria, why not just build it where the darkies be at?

  9. Diverse really means that they’ll hire da worse possible, lowest denominator contractors. I hate quotas and set asides based on political correctness. Expect a second rate, substandard job that will probably have to be rebuilt by competent contractors after da worse contractors screw the job up. But what else would you expect from the king of the grifters?

  10. In Chicago, there will be no problem mining the dregs of illegals, thugs, law breakers, crooked politicians, all of whom represent the diversity needed to meet the crooked man’s criteria to build a straw library.

  11. Dammit. I left out DUNG. Mud, straw and dung, the latter of which to come fr obama himself, since it don’t stink. Throw up some Greek columns am deathly you got yourself a liebarry

  12. Okey dokey then. So the Ocommie lie Barry has to be snapped together by a person of 35% minority. A well known manufacturer has a snap together outdoor shed thingy that should only take Barry’s beard about 2 days to snap all 6 pieces together. Righty righty right on.

  13. I’ve seen this % thing before and what goes down is the contractors simply hire broom and clean up guys that don’t do anything but stand around. It’s all in the bid, everybody walks away kind of happy.

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