Open Letter To Antifa – IOTW Report

Open Letter To Antifa

Fox has a great story, an Open Letter to Antifa.  Slams them good, calls them out for what they are:

The feel-good read of the day.     —  JB in NM


(On another note – Trevor Noah, of Comedy Central, has finally said something funny. He called Antifa “Vegan ISIS.” -bfh)

15 Comments on Open Letter To Antifa

  1. If any of the Atifa have occasion to confront or assault me or mine I will grab them by the grapes and squeeze till I see juice. That will be followed by an upper cut that will lay the SOB out. If the rest of the mob assaults me after that so be it. One SOB will lose the ability to reproduce and will think twice before coming to the party again.

  2. Anyone who is familiar with high powered rifle ammunition will inform you that from a general distance the bullet will hit a person before that person hears the shot………. it’s physics……..

  3. I like the letter. One thing we all need to understand (and I have a much better understanding after listening to Molyneux interview that reformed anarchist/”anarcho-communist”), is that the Communist Manifesto is their bible. It really is. And for those newbie radicals involved who do not know anything else to compare communism to except the sloganeering they live by, it is a cult as sure as I’m sitting here. And something else I learned: These are messed up people who are addicted, in many cases, to rage and violence. It’s a high for them. They are very messed up in the head. For the guys (mostly guys) who have been at this world anarchy thing for a while — a number of years — their world is like an exclusive club where, according this fellow I listened to, there is a strict pecking order. The newer members all know who the Bigs are and they all want to be near them. It does have all the same sorts of rules as a violent gang or drug cartel. All to say, do be careful out there.

  4. BTW – I think a lot of us have contributed in some way by donating canned food, bottled water, diapers and supplies to the Texas Hurricane effort to help out our fellow Americans.
    How many of these antfa fuks can say that? Where is their contribution to society?
    How ’bout Zip, Zero, Nada!

  5. @The Rat Fink — My eyes have been opened wide in the past week or so. Up ’til then I chose not to spend a lot of time trying to understand what antifa really was — except that it was a radical Leftist org and mostly young people.

    The thing that makes them so dangerous is that, like any cult, these kids will do anything to get on the antifa map, to prove themselves worthy of praise. And, yes, they are all pretty much losers. If they had any healthy self-esteem they wouldn’t join up with a crazy group like this. There’s no nuclear family grounding to speak of, many have real sociopath tendencies to begin with. They fit right in with a group they can relate to. Except instead of feeling all bummed out about being misfits, they have a cause that gives them pleasure to strike out at society in general. Isn’t that what any gang membership is all about? Overlay that with an ideology that calls for total annihilation of the middle class and capitalists and it is a terrorist organization.

  6. AA – You are so right. When you consider what the liberal Left has been doing to our society for the past half century you can start seeing how it has slowly developed as they have cultivated this kind of group-think in our schools. No where is that more obvious than with kids who were taught in Catholic or private schools vs public schools. My kids (grown and gainfully employed) even tell my Wife and I that the difference is amazing. So we can see what the Left has been cultivating all these years that was only strengthened, enabled and kicked off by dividing the country for the last eight years due to you-know-who!

  7. At some point, a man will need to pull out a club and begin to lay about.
    I avoid crowds of all kinds.
    These bastards are a true mob.
    They all need a Hickory Shampoo with a Boot Rinse

  8. Billy Fuster

    The Phoenix and Austin chapters are armed. It’s just a matter of time. There’s a whole shit load of parents that are going to be burying their kids soon. I blame them.

  9. Also to Billy Fuster – If these cretins are anything like the goofballs who have been videoed learning “self defense”, they don’t stand a chance. More than likely, these idiots have no idea on how to handle a firearm properly, and they’ll probably end up shooting themselves. Which would be great!!

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