~~~~~ – IOTW Report


49 Comments on ~~~~~

  1. Still wearing the skirt waist under the boobs — and little girl crop tops.

    Mr. Hat, you really should post warning when we are about to see something horrific. I’m turning in to bed with this still burning on my retinas. I’ll have to sleep with the light on tonight.

  2. You know, when Barry lifts his eyes upon the flesh of this beautiful maid dressed in such a way, he knows, as a man, that if he gets to the 9 o’clock position and inserts his left hand over the exposed left thigh and slowly moves it to the 12 that their eyes will meet, and he will then gain the mastery and move to grab the cock of his dreams. Bliss baby bliss, total blisters.

  3. I didn’t think she looked that bad, and then wondered seriously if it had been Photoshopped. Either she or the press or both are trying to make her look as though she could compete with Melanie. Not possible.

  4. Trying to run counter to the crotch grabbing video from the other day. The MSM will help.
    Why is mikey holding on to the cable on her left side with her right hand? Is he unstable?

  5. Even if I did not know who that was, my first thought was “photoshopped”. The proportions are not right. They shaved off so much of the thigh and @ss that it looks awkward. They also used the blurry foreground object to hide how far back her @ss extends.

  6. Is she appropriatin white culture with her hair again?

    “Is that a confederate flag in the background?”

    I think Mr Big was making reference to the story about some youngster who thought the Union Jack flag was the Confederate flag Dadof4

  7. Unless photoshopped face too, that is a rare pic of Squatch without its constant scowl.
    Looks like it is anticipating a boat load of nasty fornication.

    Eight years of lobster and kobe wasted when rancid roadkill would have sufficed.

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