Jay Sekulow – “Comey Needs To Get a Lawyer” – IOTW Report

Jay Sekulow – “Comey Needs To Get a Lawyer”

16 Comments on Jay Sekulow – “Comey Needs To Get a Lawyer”

  1. We can raise the rafters screaming for prosecution and it falls on deaf ears. If just ONE high profile arrest was made it would really shift the momentum, but that seems to be overly optimistic.

  2. Comey deliberately lied to that question. “Talk to me privately..” my dumb ass!

    Yesterday I heard someone accurately describe the problem of law and order and justice in America right now. As citizens grow more and more cynical of the equal application of the law — that people are not equal under the law — law and social order break down and that’s when you get vigilantism, mob rule and individuals enforcing the law at delivering what they deem justice at the end of a weapon. Surely Sessions, the President, and the entire leadership of American law enforcement understand this. We all learned it in seventh grade, watching “The Oxbow Incident.”

  3. If anyone knows the whereabouts of little Jefffrey Sessions,
    please report to the Layaways Dept.
    We’ve been worried to death. No one’s heard from him or seen him for weeks !!

  4. Jeff Sessions needs to fulfill his duties and responsibilities
    …….not to Hillary and the deep state, but the American People. If he can’t or won’t do his job, he should resign.

    So far, Sessions and the DOJ under his generalship is marginally more adept than Ryan and McCONnell.
    NOT good enough, by a long shot !

  5. We need a badass ‘cop’ in charge of the DOJ, not a politician.

    Jeff Sessions may be a stand up guy, but he’s not up to the task. Someone needs to clean up the filthy mess Obama’s administration made of law enforcement.

  6. Marco beat me to it, and I wish I could give him 50 upvotes.

    Comey already has a personal lawyer looking out for him to protect him from all consequences.
    His lawyer is Robert Mueller. In fact there’s an entire legal team, all good Clinton operatives, with a literally unlimited budget.

    As for “The Invisible Man”, he must be on milk cartons everywhere. Time for Sessions to resign.
    It’s also time for Trump to have DoJ #2 Borenstein fired and replaced by someone who will shut down Mueller’s unending impeachment expedition.

  7. May I submit that DOJ Jeff Sessions is incommunicado, or under strict radio silence, for important National Security reasons. There are still wayyyyy too many slippery snakes (Obama Minions, Glory Whores, Spys, Traitors, etc.) leaking everything they can get their hands on. These are very high profile cases of High Crimes and Treason, involving high level political and public figures, who are protected by very expensive, cagey, and competent lawyers. “Loose lips sink ships!” Just thinking about that phrase alone will indicate the level of security that has been wrapped around this administration, and its most important mission. This is an EPIC BATTLE BETWEEN THE FORCES OF GOOD AND EVIL. These folks have gone old school, underground, and only talk amongst themselves. All outsiders are kept in the dark. This is the way it has to be to maintain Operational Security. Glory whores are not allowed to run in front of the damn MSM cameras. Violations of the Gag Order would be disastrous to their mission and the Nation.

    Think of all the $$$$$$$$$.$$ that is being spent by the evil ones trying to get the scoop on what is really being done behind those closed doors. Imagine the “weeping, wailing, and gnashing of teeth,” inside the enemy camps. The “Howling Hounds of Hell” and the Demon Spawn are extremely agitated. But they can’t show their true worries in public. They know that their ship is vulnerable, it is taking on water. They have circled the wagons, and are sending out the minions (ANTIFA, BLM, WWP, etc. etc. etc. et-all) to stirrup a smokescreen, a distraction. They too are in a deep huddle, planning their next moves, and counterstrikes. Can you imagine the 24/7 Shredding Room activities? The smoke from their burnbags is causing a health hazard.

    I am hoping that Lil Bath-house Barry, Hitlery, Val Jarrett, Lorreta Lynch, Eric Holder and many more are suffering from irritable bowel syndrome, loss of appetite, heart palpitations, extreme anxiety, panic attacks, and shingles.

    I say we TURN UP THE HEAT, Stir up some Sh!t, by building a six station gallows on the White House lawn. We have TRAITORS IN OUR MIDST.

  8. Old J Edgar is turning in his grave. I’ve always been a big FBI fan.
    One had to be a natural born citizen to join back in my day. Now I fear there is political rot at the top and affirmative action mixed with political correctness throughout. Remember the Secret Service bint who said she would not take a bullet for President Trump?
    I am sure there still more heros than vilians in these services but
    for how long?

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