Britain’s Famed NHS Begging For Money To Get Through the Winter – IOTW Report

Britain’s Famed NHS Begging For Money To Get Through the Winter

The executives who run Britain’s Socialist National Health Service are calling for “between £200m and £350m to be made available immediately” from the British government. Authorities fear that without a quick infusion of money, the medical system is going to be greatly stressed this winter, meaning longer wait times and fewer available beds for patients. Of particular concern are the “Accident & Emergency” or “A & E” cases that can’t be sent back home and thus take up hospital beds and facilities that had been planned for other use.


13 Comments on Britain’s Famed NHS Begging For Money To Get Through the Winter

  1. One Would Think You Could Speak With Anybody, and Quickly Show Them The Un endind Repetition of Failures That are Socialism ! But You Can’t ??? They Must Run Full Speed In’to The Brick Wall Of Failed Socialism !!!
    When They Recover , Straight Back For The Wall ? Where Liberals Put on Earth To Run a Constant Circuit of Failure ???

  2. Maybe they wouldn’t have patients dying of dehydration.
    That ain’t health care they practice.
    “At least 1,000 hospital patients are dying needlessly each month from dehydration and poor care by doctors and nurses, according to an NHS study.”
    More money won’t solve a problem like lack of compassion.
    They let patients cry out for water to drink and don’t respond. (it opens up new beds) And FGM is rampant and tolerated.
    That’s the ‘single payer’ healthcare system they want to foist on us.

  3. Every time I see an article on Britain’s NHS, I think of that ridiculous opening ceremony show at the London Olympics where everyone is dancing around as nurses and doctors and wheeling around hospital beds. Pure propaganda. I mentioned how stupid it was to a lib co-worker and she said she thought it was great. The left sure loves their propaganda.

  4. If you are never at risk of going out of business due to lack of customer care or mismanagement – where is the incentive to do and be better?

    This runs up and down the whole spectrum of everything shielded from what are natural consequences of a badly run biz.

    Even your local pot dealer would end up selling ditch weed at exorbitant prices if he had no competition.

  5. Right, the Administrators, Doctors and Nurses can do their medical jobs by day for free and can earn their personal living by working as bartenders and pole dancers at night!

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