North Korea says it successfully tested hydrogen bomb; Trump denounces ‘hostile’ behavior – IOTW Report

North Korea says it successfully tested hydrogen bomb; Trump denounces ‘hostile’ behavior



North Korea announced on Sunday that it successfully conducted a test of an extraordinarily powerful hydrogen bomb meant to be loaded onto an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM).

A newsreader for North Korean state-run television announced the test, saying it was ordered by Kim Jong Un. The broadcaster called it a “complete success,” adding that the “two-stage thermonuclear weapon” had “unprecedented” strength.

Indeed, this latest test was the most powerful of North Korea’s six nuclear tests.

Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin announced Sunday morning that he’ll be drafting a new sanctions package against North Korea that could go so far as to cut off all U.S. trade with any country that chooses to do business with North Korea.

“It’s clear that this behavior is completely unacceptable,” Mnuchin said of the test on “Fox News Sunday.” “We’ve already started with sanctions against North Korea, but I’m going to start a sanctions package to send to the president, for his strong consideration, that anybody that wants to do trade or business with them would be prevented from doing trade or business with us.”


Trump responded on Twitter prior to Mncuhin’s warning, commenting on North Korea’s continuing “hostile and dangerous” actions toward the U.S. and it being a “great threat and embarrassment to China.” The president also said South Korea’s “talk of appeasement” with its northern neighbor won’t work.


16 Comments on North Korea says it successfully tested hydrogen bomb; Trump denounces ‘hostile’ behavior


    If the U.S. attacks 1st, China will support N.Korea.

    If the N. Koreans slowly nuke up, and blow up one of our cities or allies, then China will not support N. Korea.

    Sooooooo, with that strategy in mind, I guess we should wait until we lose a city before we attack and get China’s blessing.

  2. China is the puppet master.

    In the proposed draft for more NK sanctions, the US will not trade or do business with any country who trades or does business with NK.

    China is our largest importing country that could be prevented trade and business with the US ………….will they take NK’s nuclear threat seriously and step on Kim or will there be a pre-emptive strike?

  3. It’s more likely Kim will put his fat face in the business end of a rocket to light his cigarette thereby putting an end to these threats while the norks mourn for the next decade.

  4. The people who suffer the most in all this are the poor people of North Korea.
    If only there were some way for them to overthrow the Kim regime.
    This mess should have been dealt with some time one, two, even three presidents ago!

  5. Maybe it is time to warn China that any trade with them will be cut off of they don’t depose fat boy and disarm the North Koreans. It may cause a harsh recession in the States (as well as other countries) but the Chinese will feel it even more especially among their huge middle class that have gotten used to the good life and the Chinese leaders have to factor that in. Hell, they may do the right thing.

  6. Back when I was a boy, we had an agency that would have gotten rid of this guy years ago, and made it look like either an accident or the fault of the Chinese. Where’d those guys go?

  7. Why didn’t Japan retaliate immediately when the Norks lobbed that missile over Japan? They should have IMMEDIATELY sunk a Nork ship and issued a statement that any Nork aggression will be met with a disproportionate response. Let the Norks decide if they want to go to war with the rest of the globe.

  8. It seems to come down to either North Korea being admitted to the Nuclear Club, or, war, including a trade war with China that collapses the world’s economy.

    Kobayashi Maru.

  9. Hey! NoKo! Why you build you own bomb? Why you no open border? Import Paki’s from America. They build good bomb. Cheap. “Wealth of Nations” smart. You be smart NoKo. You no wanna end up Ghadaffied.

  10. China wants the US to bomb NK then they eill invade and the take the entire peninsula. Anything that takes place is a win for China. It will not be the first tme the Chineses crossed the Yalu River.

  11. So. The North Koreans’ have a Hydrogen Bomb and maybe an ICBM or two with which to strike the US. So let’s think about the possible targets. Honolulu, LA, San Francisco, maybe Portland Or. Huh. All Leftest places that love Socialism/Communism. They love beating up anyone that isn’t a Socialist, Communist or Anarchist. OK. Nuke them. You’d be doing us a favor.

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