NEMP – IOTW Report


PJ Media-

This is the “nuclear electromagnetic pulse” or NEMP.

 John Moore here at PJ Media has been all over the possibility that North Korea is preparing for an EMP attack. With a true ICBM and a bomb that can be mated with it, North Korea has everything needed to make such an attack.

What this means is, as Ambassador Nicki Haley just said at the UN:

“…no road left to kick the can down”

The possibilities of a NEMP attack have been talked about for a long time, as John Moore’s articles show. It’s possible that the real risk is finally becoming clear to our politicians and our legacy press. The Boston Herald recently had an extended story on the danger of a North Korean NEMP attack, and Tucker Carlson recently showed interest in the problem.

Of course, there are others who don’t think it’s much of a risk, In that Boston Herald story, they quote Joshua Pollack, the editor of the Nonproliferation Review, as saying:

[A]n EMP attack doesn’t warrant more alarm than any other type of nuclear offensive because its efficacy is still uncertain — and it would have consequences for whichever nation launched it.

“It’s just an untested approach to trying to use a weapon, and just invites retaliation without doing a lot of damage,” Pollack said. “I’m much more concerned with blasting fire and radiation. Those will kill lots of people and destroy lots of stuff, and can do it very reliably.”

ht/ all too much

17 Comments on NEMP

  1. I spotted the contract mod last week.



    Raytheon Missile Systems Co., Tucson, Arizona, is being awarded a $614,483,341 modification (PZ0001) to definitize a previously awarded undefinitized contract action executed on Dec. 8, 2015; the modification is cost-plus-incentive-fee, cost-plus-fixed-fee, and firm-fixed-price under contract HQ0276-15-C-0003. The modification decreases the total cumulative contract value of the contract to $619,593,338 from $630,653,135. Under this modification, the contractor will manufacture 17 Standard Missile-3 Block IIA missiles, perform production support and engineering efforts, perform obsolescence monitoring, perform technical baseline engineering support, perform quality assurance and audit efforts, and provide containers. The work will be performed in Tucson, Arizona, with an estimated completion date of March 2020. Fiscal 2017 research, development, test and evaluation funds in the amount of $45,000,000 will be obligated for this effort. The Missile Defense Agency, Dahlgren, Virginia, is the contracting activity.”

    PZ0001 is the last billable line item on a Military contract. It closes the order. Looks like they’re rolling a Rev. on Standard Missile which is the missile they use to knock down really high incoming shit.

  2. Hmm. An NEMP that hits the west coast and takes down the Silicon Valley giants and their satellite branches like here in Seattle would have a bad effect on the economy for sure. You’d witness Millenials experiencing life without the Internet too-lord help us!

  3. It’s Puzzling Trying to Figure Out Lil Kimmy ? He’s Really Not Normal by any Stretch of the Immagination ! He’s Like a Cartoon Character From The 70s , The Tasmanian Devil Meets Porky Pig !!!

  4. “…blasting fire and radiation” will kill people, but an EMP will, too, just not as fast. When an EMP shuts down the grid, many life sustaining services and products will not be available.

  5. It’s a damn good thing that America actually has a patriot in the WhiteHouse. You know, I didn’t like Trump very much when he was running but I don’t mind admitting that I was very, very wrong. I still like Cruz though.

  6. China is acting as if they’re not the puppeteer for this fat little porker. They are getting a taste of the Trump doctrine and more to come. Trump has them by the balls and they know it, this coming week will be fun to watch. They’re about to get some serious payback by way of heavy trade embargo.

  7. Assuming sanity, there must be some strategic goal that is accessible.
    Why is China pushing L’il Kim into this absurd posture?
    The Kim Dynasty is the sock-puppet of China – it has no independent existence.
    Better get Dennis Rodman on the phone.

    “Many a slip between the table and lip.” For all of us.

    izlamo delenda est …

  8. EMP is short lived. Things that are affected by it either recover or need repair. Power grids would shut down, and may take a couple of days to restore. Cheap electronics could be bricked, but not all. EMP is not a doomsday scenario. We live with the mother of all EMP generators each day. You usually notice it in the morning, and it goes away every night.

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