Matthew Broderick Mocks Trump’s National Day of Prayer For Harvey Victims – IOTW Report

Matthew Broderick Mocks Trump’s National Day of Prayer For Harvey Victims

Oh, I’m sorry. This wasn’t Matthew Broderick. This was one-time hottie Alyssa Milano, who is looking more and more like she should lay off the Pepperidge Farm Milanos, making the stupid statement.

35 Comments on Matthew Broderick Mocks Trump’s National Day of Prayer For Harvey Victims

  1. Wow, she sure zeppelin’d up. Incredible disrepect for the victims of the flooding by a hollywood has been. But then I guess she doesn’t have to worry because it’s not like she has a film career to worry about anymore. Just keep cramming the poptarts toots, you don’t have to worry about your figure. Just make sure when you chow down on a tub of chili that you’re tethered securely.

  2. A. Milano is:

    Still millions of dollars in debt.
    Still unmarketable in any industry.
    Still clueless morally, socially, politically.
    Still the poster child for Hollywood has beens.

    This tweet did, however, enshrine her reputation among her peers as a dumb arse.

  3. the problem with these Hollywood twits is they become a legends in their own minds. Alyssa is millions in debt and Johnny Depp has blown through 650 million. if they can’t even manage their own finances why do they think we should listen to their opinions? Every time I hear of one of these loud mouthed opinionated assholes going down the toilet I can’t help but smile

  4. Liberals view life differently than republicans do, that’s why there are two major
    parties if we both had the same viewpoint what fun would that be.
    She is politically correct in her wack o mind I’m not.

  5. As a maintenance technician, people don’t call me because they want to hear my stand up routine, they want me to fix whatever doesn’t work.

    If you’re a musician, sing me a song. If you’re an actor/actress, put on a show. Do not tell me your political leanings because I do not care.
    Your job is to entertain me.

  6. I don’t believe she’s ever been much of a movie star…mostly TV work. She was in the show “Charmed” I think…a show about witches..perhaps some of the taint of that rubbed off on her. Of all the comments for this post, I believe illustr8r’s, in a very understated way, is the most striking against Ms. Milano…well done!

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