Heartbreaking loss of control over criminals – IOTW Report

Heartbreaking loss of control over criminals

Tsunami says:

So I’m reading this quote from Mayor Darrel Steinberg of Sacramento who says,

“The loss of Deputy Bob French today is heartbreaking. My thoughts and prayers are with his family, our injured CHP officers, and all the men and women who put their lives on the line every day.”

THEN, I read this…..

See, he’s all sad and stuff about cops getting killed, and his answer is to pay the criminals to be good.

8 Comments on Heartbreaking loss of control over criminals

  1. Mayor Darrel Steinberg is ex California Senate President pro Tempore. A liberal little bitch. He can certainly be held responsible for all these damn early release programs and the redefinition of what a Felon and a violent act are. Bob French’s blood is on Jerry Brown and Steinbergs hands. The shooter had an open warrant and had been early released several times. I real piece of work. I mentioned earlier that Bob French lives in my town. I don’t think I’ve ever met the man but both his sons have sat at my table. French was pretty involved in coaching so he had a big connection with a lot of young people. I can honestly say our community is shaken/pissed.

  2. I could cut and paste my one comment all day today:

    “That and a couple of mil(lion) ….”

    The only recourse is for the victims’ families to sue these cities until they bleed out. Easy to do in California, I hear. Use those Alinsky rules against them!

  3. BREAK OUT THE CANDLES! Everyone knows the routine!

    ✔️ Empty speeches
    ✔️ #Pray4Sacramento
    ✔️ Flag at half-staff
    ✔️ Candle light vigil
    ✔️ Moment of silence
    ✔️ Gun control proposal

    That’s enough. Everyone go back to what you were doing….

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