Dead Wood – IOTW Report

Dead Wood

Five nurses at Denver Health Medical Center were suspended for three weeks after they inappropriately viewed a deceased patient’s body and talked about it, a hospital spokesman confirmed to Denver7 Investigates Tuesday.
A tip to Denver7 said the nurses disciplined admired the size of the deceased patient’s genitals and at one point opened a body bag to view parts of the body. A hospital spokesman confirmed details of the incident.
A different nurse heard one of the disciplined nurses make a comment in May that the nurse felt was inappropriate and reported it to hospital staff, Denver Health Medical Center spokesman Josh Rasmussen said.
“Multiple staff members viewed the victim while he was incapacitated, including after he was deceased,” a Denver Police report says. “The complainant, Risk Management for Denver Health, made a mandatory report.”
Rasmussen originally said two nurses were disciplined after the internal investigation, but later said five nurses were suspended following the investigation’s conclusion.
The report says the incidents occurred between March 31 and April 3, 2017, but weren’t reported until May 8.
Rasmussen said although the nurses received discipline considered “serious,” four nurses ultimately returned to work. One nurse no longer is employed by the hospital, but wasn’t terminated. The nurses will have a record of the discipline placed in their personnel files, Rasmussen said.
ht/ irony curtain

29 Comments on Dead Wood

  1. Degeneracy from a disintegrating societal fabric. I’m afraid to even go in for a colonoscopy knowing some infantilized nurse is going to giggle so hard she doesn’t rinse off the ass-camera and I get hepatitis, anesthetist OD’s my propofol or lights up a doob while I’m on O2.

    Isn’t it comforting when the cop with sleeves of tats stops you for burned out tail light on that lonely stretch of highway at one a.m. knowing “NO MATTER WHUT, I IS GOING HOME TO MY FAMILY TONIGHT.”

    How about a fake Indian, a fake Viet Nam vet, a convicted felon, a tax-evading race hustler or a ChiCom agent running your government.

    Nobody cares, cause looking at dead dude’s junk is te-hee, te-hee funny, tweet tweet, photoshop, instagram it, sodomite marriage, everyone’s a nazi, communism and gonorrhea are good for you.

  2. Vermin Control — That is a great rant. I had Jack Nicholson’s voice in my head, especially the last para, like “Where did they teach you to talk like that, in some Panama City “Sailor wanna hump-hump” bar, or is it getaway day and your last shot at his whiskey? Sell crazy someplace else, we’re all stocked up here.”

  3. MJA. As a doc that has worked at multiple large teaching and private hospitals… you don’t want to know. Also never get sick. By the way a couple of those hospitals were in Las Vegas.

  4. I was in a car accident a few years ago, went to the ER. I was pretty calm by the time I got there, but about a dozen medical personnel in the room. The head MD asked if I could raise my hips slightly off the table so they could pull my slacks off rather than cut them. I did, then he asked me to lift them one more time. Off came the underwear. There was at least one fairly attractive nurse. Oh well, what’re ya gonna do?

    I got a couple of CT scans to be sure my spine was ok, then spent the next 4 hours on a gurney in the hallway, essentially naked under a blanket, waiting for someone to actually look at the scans so they could release me. Ugh.

  5. Mrs. Curtain and I were once in the elevator of a giant, well-known hospital in NYC. A young technician got on carrying a big tray of vials of blood, each one with a label on it. On the next floor a guy got on who bumped into the technician and the vial tray went down to the floor. Miraculously, nothing broke but many of the labels fell off the vials. We could hardly believe our eyes as the technician struggled to make guesses as to which label went with which vial. I think I actually said, “Are we on Candid Camera?”

  6. @Goldenfoxx – John Greenleaf Whittier had something to say about this:

    For all sad words of tongue and pen,
    The saddest are these, ‘It might have been’.

    I’ll be good and not engage in wordplay with “tongue” and “pen”. You’re welvome.

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