China removes loudspeakers from hundreds of mosques in Muslim-majority region – IOTW Report

China removes loudspeakers from hundreds of mosques in Muslim-majority region

Jihad Watch: Artificial amplification is a relatively recent invention. For 1,300 years of Islam, the muezzin sounded the call to prayer from the minaret with his unaided voice only. These loudspeakers are a declaration of supremacy, a declaration of who is aspiring to be China’s new masters.

Residents close to the places of worship have complained that Islamic calls to prayer wake them up early in the morning and they claim in some cases have aggravated heart conditions of some patients.


19 Comments on China removes loudspeakers from hundreds of mosques in Muslim-majority region

  1. Good, now they should level them. And with a little luck the muzzies will resist and the Chinese will crush them like the third world animals that they are. Seems like the Chinese are itching to fight someone, it might as well be muslims.

  2. With their newfound discovery of electricity, they can now write an app to buzz their phones with a depiction of goat porn, a severed head, or mohammed raping a little girl to know when to put their ass in the air.

  3. 1. Set your damn smart phone to wake you up in the morning. (or an actual alarm clock?) Apps can remind you to pray 27 times a day w/o a loud speaker.

    2. PRAY AT HOME! There is no need to go to a mosque. Bring your carpet rag with you where ever you go, and pray on that.

    It’s about dominating a culture even through the airwaves.

  4. The muslims in China should understand that they’re not dealing with a western government crippled by left wing elements. They’re in the bigs now and the chinese aren’t above disappearing them into work camps and the muslim countries can’t do a damn thing to threaten them. They ought to google “Falun Gong” to get a preview of their future if they really piss off Beijing.

  5. Don’t seem to need loudspeakers around here to tell when it is time to pray. Nor do they need them there.
    If the spirit moves you- pray.
    I guess that is the difference between a totalitarian theocracy and fee will. If the Chinese weren’t so energy and resource dependent, they’d be gone, but they have to keep up a good appearance with islamic countrys.

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