Democrats confirm they are the Party of Illegal Aliens – IOTW Report

Democrats confirm they are the Party of Illegal Aliens

Patriot Retort:  

Within moments of Attorney General Sessions announcing the end of the unconstitutional DACA program, Democrats wasted no time letting the country know that they will stand with illegal aliens.

If only they cared this much for the American people, maybe they’d win some elections.

The chairman of the Democratic National Committee let everyone know that the Democrat Party will fight, fight, fight for non-citizens.

Well, that’s good to know.

The Democrat Party has become the party of illegal aliens.

And who can blame them?

Most Americans have grown sick and tired of their histrionics, inflammatory rhetoric and overall lack leadership.

So they have to go somewhere for support.   more here

13 Comments on Democrats confirm they are the Party of Illegal Aliens

  1. The democrats side with the illegals over the citizens to establish voting block so they can get power but lose power because they keep getting voted out and losing power for same reason….what is the definition of insanity again?

  2. This is a war on real Americans. I do not get the mentality it takes to be elected as a representative of the people only to side with foreigners and criminals. I’m preaching to the choir here, but when will the rest of the country wake the hell up. Video shows a latino bum skateboarding while flaunting the mexican flag! They demand amnesty not just for the dreamers but for their illegal parents. Enough is enough! YOU DO NOT MAKE DEMANDS!


    NONE of those people were ever in favor of immigration reform, or a wall, or security, or a “virtual wall.”

    It was all a massive delay tactic. No Trump is actually doing something, and they can’t fight it hard or fast enough!

  4. When the Trump Memorial Catapults, are placed next to the Trump Memorial Wall, I’ll be HAPPY to fire ILLEGAL FOREIGN INVADERS, democraps, libtards, and any other ANTI-AMERICAN numbnuts that wanna climb aboard, over to the warm, fuzzy, loving Mexican side of the border! >:->

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