AHahahahaha- They think they win – IOTW Report

AHahahahaha- They think they win

ht/ michelle’s big beaver

31 Comments on AHahahahaha- They think they win

  1. Little do these useful idiots know but they would probably be the first against the wall were the ‘Red Army’ to come to power here in the US.

    And one of them thinks he would become the official uniform designer for the new army? HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA AH……. HA HA HA HA!

  2. Good Lord! All these millennial betas thinking they’d have positions of any type after “the revolution”. The only position I’d see for them is horizontal, six feet under (if that deep).

  3. Mindset of the enemy within.

    Retake the education system, fire the Marxists, and this crap will end.

    Two weeks of boot camp would snap most of these clueless simpletons right out of it.
    First 24 hours of an EMP will do the same.

  4. Sad.
    After the “revolution” all the socialists are being sent to the Asparagus Farms in North Dakota.
    Communal farming, indeed!

    “Be careful what you wish for; it might come true.”

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. The poster children for the naïve generation. Never been anywhere but home and have no clue about what the rest of the world is. Reinstating the draft would be a solution. The US armed forces have been making men and women out of pussies for 250 years. Since the draft was suspended you have seen a dramatic downturn in the civility of society. Education has failed this generation due to liberal policies. Parental guidance is apparently non existent. Any kind of conflict will melt these snowflakes first. I damn sure ain’t gonna take care of them.

  6. How cute, they actually think they would have a choice?
    BWAHAHAHAHA,,,, breathe,,,breathe.
    We live in Constitutional Republic, ask any service member why they call your MOS request a “Dream Sheet”.
    Can they really be that naive? Never mind, rhetorical question.

  7. They are obviously unaware of Lenin’s and Stalin’s purges.
    people were exiled, sent to prison or murdered.
    The purge campaigns also affected many other categories of the society: intelligentsia, peasants, party members and especially those branded as “too rich for a peasant” (kulaks), and professionals. Most of whom were supporters or Party members.
    Hundreds of thousands of victims were quickly executed by shooting, or sent to the Gulag labor camps.
    Those murdered are said to be a figure of 1,750,000 given by both the Head of the Russian Archives and a spokesman for the Security Ministry.
    Stalin’s regime had to maintain its citizens in a state of fear and uncertainty to stay in power (Brzezinski, 1958). Robert Conquest emphasized Stalin’s paranoia, focused on the Moscow show trial of “Old Bolsheviks”, and analyzed the carefully planned and systematic destruction of the Communist Party.
    Some others view the Great Purge as a crucial moment – or rather the culmination – of a vast social engineering campaign.

    This alone should cause pause to the young uneducated revolutionaries of today, your days are numbered, you will be murdered by either your own leadership or jailed by the government for sedition.

    You fall into the historical category of “useful, expendable idiots”.

  8. Hate to tell them this but the “revolution” never ends well for the people on the front lines. No matter how “loyal” they are. See June 30th 1934 “The night of long knives”.

  9. “Excuse me, Mr Castro,..err.. I mean, Jefe, may I show you my fabulous ideas for some new uniforms? Because, you know, the old ones are just so drab!”

  10. I see several opportunities for these folks. Human mine sweeper. Moving target. Play toy for Red Army soldiers. Fertilizer.

    These are the types of people eliminated first. They are idealists who will be the first to be disillusioned by reality, and therefore must be disposed of before they can cause trouble.

  11. Interesting to note that with the exception of the uniform designer guy, er girl or whatever the other two wanted a position of authority. Scatch anyone of these millenials/Antifa/progs and you’ll find somebody who wants to direct and control the lives of other people.

  12. Great comment, Cato.
    BTW, Youtube has tons of Yuri Bezmenov videos, former KGB, who coined the phrase, “useful idiots”. Predictably, the useful idiots; SJW, AntiFa, BLM, LGBTQ, feminists, and yes, RINOS/NeverTrumpers are not heeding the warning.

  13. When they turn 24 and The Revolution astonishingly just never happens, they will all scramble to find Nice Safe Government Jobs teaching some non-subject to 7th Graders.

    Scratch a Marxist street fighter, and you’ll find a lazy parasite with no skills, always searching for a return to Mommy’s carefree basement days.

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