Daily Affirmations – IOTW Report

Daily Affirmations

28 Comments on Daily Affirmations

  1. A few fav’s:

    Why do you think it’s called a peliCAN and not a peliCANT?

    Instead of complaining about falling down the stairs try: “WOW, I sure fell down those stairs FAST!!”

    Remember to Smile, because tomorrow will be worse 😁

  2. Fur, how you doin’? Did you figure out where you were going to spend hurricane Irma yet?

    Here’s on of my favorite affirmations: “Sometimes a person’s only purpose is to serve as a warning to others.”

    I crack up at those affirmation parody posters.

  3. Reminds me of a joke from Bill Engvall:

    A semi truck was stuck under an overpass. A state trooper pulled up and asked, “Are you stuck?”

    “Nope”, said the driver. “I was delivering this bridge and ran out of gas.”

    Here’s your sign.

  4. As of this moment, PSL has been spared what was earlier forecasted.
    We’ve been downgraded to outer bands.

    Uncle Al needs to get over here STAT.
    His house is nearly ground zero, say 20 miles or so, from landfall after it passes the Keys.

  5. Is traffic on 70 even moving at this time?
    That’s the only reason we chose not to go (stranded on the highway without gas and only the car as shelter?! No thanks.)

    We’re bugging in (non-evac zone in Pinellas).
    Hurricane 4 windows/doors all around, new roof, and a lotta hope it goes inland or out to the Gulf…that, and tons of beer (without electricity, it should stay cool in the jacuzzi).

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