Guy Scores Free Generator – IOTW Report

Guy Scores Free Generator

That’s my assy and cynical nature coming out in the headline.

This is a great story.

Breitbart -]WFTV reports that Pam Brekke, who traveled 30 miles to a Lowe’s home improvement store in Orlando from her home in Sanford, was in line to purchase a generator to ensure she had power during Hurricane Irma when she noticed that the customer in front of her got the last one in stock.

“My father’s on oxygen, and I’m worried about this storm,” she said while wiping tears from her eyes.

Brekke told the Washington Post that her father is a Korean War veteran with congestive heart failure and has a pacemaker that keeps him alive. She said that she turns on an oxygen machine every night that pumps oxygen to him to take the strain off his heart.

Ramon Santiago, the customer in front of her, randomly walked up to her and offered her the generator he was going to purchase without knowing the reason she was in tears.

“She need the generator,” said Santiago, whose first language isn’t English. “It’s OK. No worry for them.”

Brekke thanked Santiago and they both shared a hug.

“I don’t know him at all. He’s a stranger. He’s an angel from God is what he is,” Brekke told WESH.

“God will bless that man,” she added.

At the time, store managers said they were unsure if they would be able to get more generators due to the demand from Irma, but Santiago was in for a surprise of his own.

After Santiago’s act of kindness went viral, the store’s manager notified him that a new generator was available later in the day on Friday and that she would give it to him free of charge.

“I wanted to make sure he received it because he definitely deserved it,” manager Melissa Rodriguez told WFTV. “He’s the hero of the day.”

17 Comments on Guy Scores Free Generator

  1. Impossible! Our country is nothing more than racist, imperialistic, capitalistic, marauding colonial invaders!

    Who knows her circumstances, but given how ill prepared she was, I hope she is aware she can’t hook the generator up with standard extension cords into wall outlet. Dad’s oxygen will be the least of her worries.

    Generosity and selflessness comes from the heart without expectations of reciprocity.

  2. What are the chances that video was staged? About 100%. I’m not saying it didn’t happen or that there aren’t good samaritans lurking about, but this was a recreation at best.

  3. Women cry because it works. (In America).

    Works at age 3, and 17, and 30, and 60.
    Why bother to learn actual life skills when a little boo-hoo will always bring a Nice Man To Fix Everything?

    In fairness, many folks don’t have an extra $500-800 to invest in a generator “just in case”.
    I notice Wearher Channel and CNN this year have completely abandoned any last vestiges of trying to present useable info on preparing, emergency supply lists, tips like filling all your bathtubs and water containers with clean water while you can, etc.
    it’s all just nonstop hysterical emoting and anxiety and frightened quotes from clueless passsersby. All that air time to fill and they can’t even think to run “10 Things You’ll Need When The Power Goes Out”?

  4. Lack of power scares the Bejeezus out of me, for the same reason. I’m on o2 therapy for COPD and heart problems (arrhythmia). A couple of days ago I was looking for shelters where I could plug in my concentrator. Thankfully for me, sadly for others, the storm changed direction.

  5. As much damage as that storm caused, it was really effective at reminding us how much we pull together when the shtf – and how full of crap is the media with their 24/7 anti-yt crap

  6. I remember standing in line, waiting for plywood for hours at the Home Despot in St Lucie West before Hurr Frances in ’04. I am NOT calling bullshit on this video – I saw countless acts of total strangers helping each other out while I was waiting in that store and out in the parking lot.

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