“There are a lot of policies in red states that marginalize minorities, that’s why we live in places like California.”- black leftist – IOTW Report

“There are a lot of policies in red states that marginalize minorities, that’s why we live in places like California.”- black leftist

What “policies” are in place in red states that marginalize blacks?

Would the reverse be true? Are there “policies” in blue states that attract blacks, like the state “hammock”?

What was once called a “safety net” is now, inarguably, a hammock. And that is the dog whistle this bint is discussing.

ht/ C. Steven Tucker

18 Comments on “There are a lot of policies in red states that marginalize minorities, that’s why we live in places like California.”- black leftist

  1. we really need to learn from the left and start beating back on this bullcrap

    start aggressively calling it out for what it is, black racism, anti-american bullshit, more about blacks getting shit for free while contributing nothing but illegitimate kids, killings, looting, beatdowns of whites etc etc etc

    yes, it’s starting, but we need to push this harder as the unacceptable jungle behavior that it is

    the good black people need to take the lead, this is beyond shameful and the shame of it needs to be shoved up these disrespectful losers’ asses

  2. What Red state policies? Oh, I dunno. How bout no welfare for able bodied losers who chose not to work? Would that be one? How bout drug testing before getting a welfare check or and EBT card. Do those count? How bout forcing Obama sons to pay something towards deys lil chirren’s welfare bills? What about no government money for abortions because bone operators are too effin stupid, too effin lazy to use birth control?

  3. Thou shalt not kill
    Thou shalt not steal
    Thou shalt not covet…
    Thou shalt not bear false witness.

    Those kinds of minority disenfranchising policies? Yes. If you can’t abide by the Creator’s basics I don’t want you anywhere near my family. Live it up in Satanland.

  4. @PHenry – It sure is a shame that a spectacularly beautiful place like California, blessed with natural resources, and with a lot of great people living in it, is set up politically to let the urban parasites and ideological tapeworms run roughshod over everybody else.

  5. One of the reasons Tucker Carlson is so effective is that when a leftist makes a bald, unsupported assertion of racism like this lady did, he follows up with a “like what?” Leftists hate that because (a) they have no examples or facts, and (b) MSNBC and CNN always lets them get away with it.

    My Democrat friends always wonder why I don’t watch CNN or MSNBC. It isn’t that these cable channels are left of center – I don’t mind that – it’s that they don’t support their claims. When a talking head makes unsupported assertions of purported facts, they are signaling that their base viewership is too stupid to notice the difference; and in many cases they are correct. I refuse to be involved with any channel that habitually engages in this type of commentary.

  6. Conservative:
    Everybody has equal opportunity to achieve anything with total equality.

    Oh, you poor minority (currently every liberal voter), we’ll steal a job from whitey (any person that achieved rightfully for themselves) and give it to you. Even though you don’t want it, which means show up whenever you want because we’ll make it illegal to fire you and guarantee raising wages.

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