Free Speech Week in Berkeley – IOTW Report

Free Speech Week in Berkeley

I feel like with the looming resolution yet to be signed by president Trump that I should get ahead of the signing and denounce the people shown above with every available resource that I have, you know, so that I’m a good American.

This motley collection of neo-nazis, white supremacists and haters must be suppressed, and the most readily available resource that I can think of to stop these monsters is #Antifa – the true American heroes.

My hope is that #antifa cracks their bigoted skulls and spills their puny America-hating brains, and I can say this because I have the president’s signature, an imprimatur, Ā that curb stomping these pieces of shit is not only righteous, but a duty.

Having said this I can now breathe more freely knowing that Google will not shut off this site’s revenue stream for “thinking unbecoming of the president’s resolution.”

(I’m pretty sure Google is an “available resource” that can be used to clobber thoughts that are not in line with government approved speech.)

Happy days ahead, my friends. Happy days.


7 Comments on Free Speech Week in Berkeley

  1. Fur, the downside is, as I’ve written in a bunch of other threads (sorry for the redundancy): if said/written wrong, it encourages DEFEATISM a la Tokyo Rose, which is the last thing “our side” needs.

    Being a loudmouth activist is great aerobics and my 2nd profession.

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