This arrived in my email box-

I want to say thanks for your great site and for now, goodbye. I really can’t fill my head with this bullshit (politics) any more. Thanks for all of your hard work in trying to convey a message of common sense & decency. – XX

I wrote a note thanking this longtime reader for their great service and support and wished them health and happiness, parting with the hope that what they need is a respite. Certainly I know I do, so I feel their pain. What we do, you and I, this reader, is a calling. We are not the schmucks that we see when Mark Dice interviews the clueless on the street. We are the last line of defense from government tyranny. We are cursed with having a brain.

He wrote me back-


I received this email message this morning from a classmate of mine. Thought I’d share:

I am now in my 70’s. Recently I received a questionnaire and request for money from the Republican Party and strongly agree with every question, as I have since Obama was elected.

Unfortunately the one question that was missing is: What have the  Republicans done for the American people?

We gave you a majority in the House and Senate, and you never  listened to us. Now you want our money, my money, more money. You should be more concerned about our votes, not our money.

You are the establishment which means all you want is to save your jobs and line your pockets.

Well guess what? It’s not going to happen.

So far, TRUMP hasn’t asked for a dime.

You might think we are fools because you feel Trump is on a self-destruct course, but look beyond Washington and listen to the People. Nobody has achieved what he has, especially in the state of New York.

Here’s why I want Trump. Yes, he’s a bit of an ass; yes, he’s an  egomaniac; but I don’t care.

      The country is a mess because politicians suck.

      The Republican Party is two-faced and gutless, and illegals are  everywhere.

      I want it all fixed!

      I don’t care that Trump is crude.

      I don’t care that he insults people.

      I don’t care that he has changed positions.

     I don’t care that he’s been married 3 times.

      I don’t care that he fights with Megan Kelly and Rosie O’Donnell.

      I don’t care that he doesn’t know the name of some Muslim terrorist.

Our country has become weak, and bankrupt. Our enemies are making fun of us. We are being invaded by illegals. We are becoming a nation of victims where every Tom, Ricardo and Hassid is a special group with special rights to a point where we don’t even recognize the country we were born and raised in, “AND I JUST WANT IT FIXED.”

And Trump is the only guy who seems to understand what We The People want and need.

I’m sick of politicians, sick of the Democratic Party, the  Republican Party, and sick of illegals. I just want this thing fixed. 

Trump may not be a saint, but he doesn’t have lobbyist money controlling him; he doesn’t have political correctness restraining him; all you know is that he has been very successful; a good negotiator; he has built a lot of things; and, he’s also not a politician.

And, he says he’ll fix it. And, I believe him because he is too much of an egotist to be proven wrong or looked at and called a liar.

I don’t care if the guy has bad hair.

Thought for the Day  “No country can sustain, in idleness, more than a small percentage of its numbers. The great majority must labor at something productive!”

P.S.  No Borders, No Language, No Culture = No Country.


We have to hang in there. It doesn’t have to be a a daily devotional, but we can’t chuck it all aside and wake up one day to complete leftist control.

Stay strong people.


  1. I will echo the thoughts about repubs – it’s why Trump is so appealing to me.

    Unfortunately the basturds win when we all give up, go home, climb in bed, and pull the covers up ’til Jesus comes.

    Persevere friends, Trump will stay competitive for a long time.

  2. Totally understand his frustration. I, too, need a break from the daily Moronosphere that passes for news. I still believe that for every knuckle dragging bat shit crazy we hear about, there are ten people who aren’t.

    They just get all the attention. They are a tiny minority.

  3. I have hope for the Donald. If nothing else, he has exposed the left for the hateful, un-American, Godless monsters that they are. (plus he’s exposed Hillary for the pathetic loser that she is.)

    MAGA !

  4. I confess to being an information junkie. So much I read and hear makes me mad, sad or disgusted but I cannot turn my back on my country. If good people do nothing the bad ones win.





  6. While I’m not the most prolific poster here, I too find that taking a break every once in a while is restoring. I post on several other sites, using other names, and sometimes I get wrapped up in other places. Working as a dementia/hospice RN has taught me to take care of myself, as well as others. It has also taught me that I can handle about anything. Care for yourself, your family, friends and your relationship with God. And we’ll all take turns holding the line and see this through.
    Never give up!

  7. I like that guy. The only thing is every time I pull the ole hear no, speak no, see no evil for a week or two, the freaking world around seems to close in even tighter.

    When you need perspective, and a little encouragement I beg of you to go spend some time with the elderly. Go to a nursing home, ask to for the activity coordinator and she if you could spend a little time with someone who needs someone to lend an ear. Last time I really got down in the dumps and old WWII vet told me ” son this ain’t shit “. I know people, including myself that have seen thing I wish no man to have to ever see again. Keep running your mouth and pissing off those dummies who think they as smart as you thought you were when you were 15. Sitting on your hands only allows those who hate us to spread their disease. Things are not as bad as you might think they are, but if you do nothing, it will spread without resistance, then y’all might have to see those things I was talking about. And we don’t want that.

  8. when Trump starts jailing the treasonous people I will say there is hope. right now I don’t see much hope.

    I think Pence and Sessions are undermining him as is the entire GOP.

  9. YOU HAVE A PROBLEM IF- you let politics cause you sleep ness night- you worry about the cost of gas- your hair is thinning- traffic on the freeway is backed up- climate change isn’t real- the talk show THE V is real- Sheppard smith is gay- and your belly covers your sight of your shoes- et cetera— Life is what you make it not what other people say it should be- don’t worry about things in this life- worry about what will happen to you when you die- are you right with God or are you just going thru the motions to please yourself and others? wake up and worry about yourself. paradise or burning heat. 🙂

  10. Thanks for the reminder. I think we all get frustrated with the endless leftist BS and want to throw up our hands and give up. But the left NEVER gives up. It is why they’ve been so “successful.” I used to read a lot of so-called conservative sites, but I’m down to about 3 now. iotwreport is my #1 refuge. It’s nice to know there are others out there who believe the way I do.

  11. BFH–I thank you and MJA, Dr. Tar, Mr. Pinko, Claudia, for all the work you do to keep this site up and going. I think about that a lot (and donate) and come here with gratefulness. Others have said it but it makes me feel better when I see there are other people who think (mostly) like me! In fact, I love your IOTW so much that when I click on Safari, your site comes up. It is the first thing I see each morning. Keep fighting and God Bless.

  12. To some degree I agree with Roman, I come here for respite. It’s pretty much the only site I visit during the day, this is my news and my entertainment. I have been spending less time online – but am spending less time here because I am spending more time working on the solution, both to help myself and others. But I still need some of this. And I have learned a lot from this community, not to mention the social value.

  13. Rock bottom for me was election night 2012. The re-election (imagine that!) of Hussein. I happened to have had an obama chia head on the premises for a blog idea I was working on. Well his head was exploded under great force on the patio that night. I still find an ocassional piece of terra cotta that reminds me that I survived the most depressing day of my life.

  14. I stopped watching tv 20 years ago. It’s run by progressives. I can’t stand all the
    politically correct shit.
    News is the worst.
    Pushing the deviant agenda down our throats.
    No thanks

  15. Sometimes I have to take a break from here, too. But leaving for good? no. Unless things go to hell here, I’ll be kicking the bucket before that happens.

    I know my very best work against the left – read effective – is done personally face-to-face. Not here.

    Yet, while I get some satisfaction when someone on automatic thoughtlessly spews something right from Dem talking points and I turn them around on that point – I come here because I can see I’m not alone. Hell, that’s why I kept coming back in the first place. I was in “Has the whole country gone mad?” mode when the America-hating communist was elected. Then I found IOTW.

    It’s too easy to get worked up in a fit when it comes to all things lefty, so I do have to take a break from that because anger does me no good if I’m not doing something about it.

    Also, trying to inject some humor into it all is one way to relieve the anger pressure too. The main reason I do that. Betting a few other humorous people here do it for that reason too.

  16. Humor is for traitors to the republic, Dad.

    Anyway, taking a break is fine. I myself have been known to take a break for a couple of 3 years at a time. You know, go out and live a life. Be productive. And whenever you feel like slumming, this place will still be here. Like that one sketchy looking cat with the patchy fur and broken tooth that sits in the pet store window day after day.


    Honestly. I could eat political stories all day long just like those Swedish gummy bears made with iodine that tear the lining of your stomach.

  17. Every day I say today’s my last day involved with political BS. One day it will be for real, but apparently as long as I’m strong enough the fight will roll on. I do miss the days where I was totally clueless to politics and really didn’t give a hoot. I voted in all elections, mindlessly pulling the lever for R because what little I knew the Rs had a better game — I grew up under Reagan. That all changed when 9/11 happened. I needed to know why there is such evil in the world. The political veil was lifted for me and I simply can’t stop trying to figure out the evil. It’s like a sickness: I know positive thoughts are better than digging thru the evil, yet my time is spent learning about the mentally ill evil power hungry goofs rather than enriching my own life with positivism. It does take a toll.

  18. Conservatives are made of tuff stuff. We are. Part of being tough is knowing your own limits of negativity and when an amount just ever so slightly past that limit starts to grind you down, there goes your effectiveness. Guard your senses, your mind and your heart against the negativity all around. What may be acceptable to one cannot be tolerated by another. It’s what you decide for yourself. If you don’t protect yourself from others’ nonsense you can find yourself becoming a hand-wringing Henny Penny and then all of life sucks. Jesus warned against the whisperers.

  19. Never give up! America is not for quitters, we’ve been thru far worse than this even in my lifetime. The mid to late 60’s and Vietnam and all that it wrought with the sexual revolution, civil rights, the environmental movement etc. My parents went thru far worse growing up in the Great Depression of th3 1930’s and World War 2 and Korea and raising 4 boys in the 1950’s and 60’s. Now it’s my turn to help them, my 92 year old Mom has dementia and is crazy as a loon at times especially in the middle of the night when I’m staying with them to keep her safe and under control and my 88 year old Dad can’t handle it. I’m tired, exhausted from listening to her when she gets crazy, it drives me nuts but it’s worth it to keep her at home for now. I lost my job 2 months ago but it looks like we are going to be starting another flower wholesaler shortly with a lot of the same people I worked with before and most of our customers are coming back, so that’s good. I just want to go back to work now since I’ve been told I have a job available as soon as we can open, the sooner the better and it should be with in week or 2. I’m running out of money but God is still in control and it will all work out. During this time I’ve quit worrying as much as I can, it’s not easy and I’m living day to day knowing that all things are possible. I’m not giving up although there are times when I question whether I’m doing the right thing but it’s all working out. None of us should quit except maybe to quit paying attention to all the bs out there that is a constant distraction. I’ve always been it for the long haul and know that things will be better because like I said before we’ve been thru far worse.

  20. @Geoff the Aardvark —

    Thank you for that wonderful comment.

    That’s what I’m talking about and you, sir, are one of the angels out here who, despite your own enormous challenges, still have the heart and the energy to boost others’ morale. Thank you.

    P.S. I totally get the mom thing. My mom is ordinarily a real trooper, but the other day after listening to a nearly incoherent twenty or so minutes of depression and mania, I ended the call and cried my eyes out for the first time in a long, long time. So cry if you can, I hear it releases something that we need released. Or something. Love you, friend. ~AA

  21. Tha email from your classmate in their 70s reflects exactly my feelings as well, expressed more eloquently than I could state them. I will only add two things: President Trump’s election reflects the will of the people more than election results reflect because I truly believe that he overcame rampant election fraud by a wide margin. Three million on the low side and more likely, closer to six, as we learn more and more about the fraud that is out there now that we have an administration that people aren’t afraid of coming forward with information.
    (can you say Benghazi?)

    The second thing is that I admire President Trump even more for standing strong in the face of lying democRATs, their Communist Chaos groups, their Bought & Paid For Knee Pad Media and RINOs who would rather switch than fight for American values! It truly sickens me to watch the effects of The New Communism of the Left having so much control resulting from eight years of a jug-eared, tone-deaf, purple-lipped, incompetent, lazy, Gay-obsessed, Radical, Butt-Fisting, Bomb-Throwing, Communist-Organizing, Marxist, Muslim Mallard, but President Trump’s determination gives me a lot of hope! Things are starting to turn around. We just have to keep at it and this site may be just one brick in the wall, but it’s a good one! Keep up the good work BFH and everyone else!

  22. Take a small break every day. Take yourself to lunch at that place you like so much. Read some fluffy cozy mysteries. Engage in a hobby. Learn something new. I find this works for me. I need some quiet, personal time every day to refresh.

    I beat cancer and will keep fighting liberalitis until we win. Of the 2, I believe liberalism is the most insidious, destructive and deadly.
    Some days you make yourself keep going one foot in front of the other. Never quit.

  23. I haven’t suffered any fatigue from IOTW, I may not post a lot but I do enjoy the reads. If this were a liberal forum, I wouldn’t stick around that’s for sure – or maybe I would just to agitate. I appreciate this place and the people who make it happen. don’t become so self absorbed into what’s going on, it will all work out in the end. 99% of the stuff we worry about never happens. Keep the faith.

  24. Well…I think we’ve all made progress here. This was a very productive session. I’m sure we can all take heart in Benitos’ loving words of wisdom and empathy. All our butts would absolutely take comfort as we dig, dig, dig. And…as it’s Thursday I’d be remiss to neglect to mention that your fees will be due this coming Monday. That’s the…18th. Remember to please pay in checks not cash. And I’m boycotting PayPal so that’s not even an option. Remember to take the pamphlets on the left of the door! I’ll see you all again on Monday!

  25. Many, many years ago I read a little ditty – can’t remember where, can’t even remember exactly how it goes, but I will try to paraphrase it here:

    On the Plains of Hesitation
    Bleach the bones of countless millions
    Who, when Victory was dawning, stopped to rest.
    And resting, died.

    Never give up.

  26. I was at the grocery store yesterday, tossed my favorite gun magazine in the cart. When we got to checkout my wife handed the cashier the magazine, and she scanned it and held it out to me like it was someone else’s snot rag. She said “you don’t look like the kind of people who carry guns”.

    We both said “you’d be surprised” in unison, and my wife added “and that’s to our advantage, isn’t it?” I was so proud of her. I asked “What does someone who carries a gun look like?” :Crickets:

    Never stop. Not even when they do.

  27. Abigail – your comments are always great, along with and including the one above. You are correct, negativity which is everywhere, has to be kept at arms length. I sometimes comment in jest on a serious matter to dodge the reality momentarily for myself and hopefully others. I’m a little older and have always been a conservative and for a long time considered myself a republican, having recently arrived at the conclusion that the only viable political parties are Socialists Party A & Socialists Party B.
    It seems there is more corruption in the government now than ever, and it is up to the few conservatives that are left to fight socialism and it franchises, all being promoters of negativity. Electing Trump was a giant step forward for conservatives. This victory was lead and held together by the limited conservative media which this site is a major player.
    So, we have to keep up the fight and when one of us tires the others have to pickup the slack; but, pace yourself there’s more than enough of this negativity to go around.

    A few words from Sargent Oddball on negativity.

  28. I don’t know how many hours a day it takes to produce IOTW Report, 25?

    There are so many reasons to donate here, all the reasons above included.

    IOTWR was going strong through a hurricane. Top notch work, top notch people. That’s why I come here.

  29. @PHenry September 14, 2017 at 5:01 pm

    I’m way more concerned with how you’d find, and note, the link in the first place. Than how on topic it is.

    (Sort of “You want ISIS atrocity videos!? Here, look at these. Oops, tentacle porn, and no edit button. — But, it’s STILL BOOKMARKED TENTACLE PORN!)

  30. This is an intelligent, fun and gritty blog with strong, unapologetic conservative views. Yes, there are more moderate conservative sites, but I have found they lack insightful, timely, current news and information. To each his own. Some people just aren’t able to weather these turbulent political times without it affecting their peace of mind. Just a reminder though, this battle for our national identity and sovereignty will find you, if you truly understand what it means to be a conservative.

  31. I have family connections that go back to one of the founders. I will not give up, I will not give in. I will do more than I can for longer than I can. I don’t put any stock in any man to fix this mess, but I will stand with any man who, with Gods help, take on this task.

  32. ‘Bogey the Lab say cat lovers are full of recessive Libtard traits.’

    Them’s fightin’words bubba. Best keep looking over your shoulder for a LOL (little old lady) with an urge to kick ass. 😉

  33. Brad, c’mon man, this is a classy site, it farts class and glitter.

    “AMF Burr” is more user friendly than “Aaron Mutha Fuggin’ Burr”

    This ain’t the ghetto brad. Kids wander through here….occasionally.
    Mostly the gullible ones who’ll probably end up working at an Oil Can Henrys to support their cough medicine addiction…

    but the point is, you have to have some standards.

    And typing out my full name is where I draw the line. I really am that lazy.

    Dictated but not read, etc etc…

    AMF Burr

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