This is one of the rare videos that needs repeating – IOTW Report

This is one of the rare videos that needs repeating

This was posted back in the day, but it needs to be posted again. Nothing illustrates the shared mental illness of the left better than this.

24 Comments on This is one of the rare videos that needs repeating

  1. Programmed imbeciles drowning in political correctness that I have work with on a daily basis in their medical school (graduate level remember). Most of the instructors are far far worse…

  2. U of W is such a beautiful campus. Imagine how much more beautiful it would be if its faculty and students were dominantly conservative instead of being dominantly populated by a bunch of lefty airheads and liberal pussies.

  3. ..and visiting parents should be appalled at the sty called The Ave (University avenue) that serves as the ‘college town’ there. It’s one of the worst crime-ridden, urine-smelling, cockroach-infested places in the city and that’s saying a lot these days. Used to be quirky and had some great art shops, etc. Not anymore.

  4. I think it was Van Der Luen who posted another video of Leftist mental disorders taken mostly of the antifa people. It was incredibly disturbing to watch. These are really mentally ill people who just seem to look normal because of the activities they’re engaged in, but taken individually you see some true mental problems; these people couldn’t even explain to you why they are doing what they are doing.

  5. The folly of having NO VALUES.

    I mean, they DO have values. The things that are against white male Christian Americans…those have value.

    But they can’t even stand up for something and defend it. They are so timid trying to explain themselves.

    Having a value = discrimination and they have trained themselves to believe that.

  6. My late wife and I visited the U of W campus 40 years ago on our honeymoon. Her older sister graduated from the UW as a biology major. She went on to a very successful career as an oceanographer. And yes I used to like the quirkiness of University Ave. with all it’s different bookstores and shops, nowadays I’d probably feel like a stranger in a strange land over there.

  7. These students were willing to give in to female and Chinese, but drew the line at 6’5″? Are they gigantiphobes? At that point, they may as well have gone full retard.

  8. Good target for Kim Jong Un.

    These people are always using the word “feel” instead of “think”. That’s because they’re taught NOT to think (AND thinking is bad) because thinking is a trait of Western culture.

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