Wow! A Movie About the Truth at Chappaquiddick Has been Released – IOTW Report

Wow! A Movie About the Truth at Chappaquiddick Has been Released

Proof that the Kennedy Klan is losing power.


Consider it a minor miracle. Some brave souls in Hollywood have made a movie about then-Sen. Ted Kennedy’s actions in the car accident that left Mary Jo Kopechne dead and abandoned on Massachusetts’ Chappaquiddick Island in the summer of 1969. It even stars well-known actors like Bruce Dern, Ed Helms, Kate Mara and Jim Gaffigan. It just debuted at the Toronto International Film Festival.

At this moment, one could imagine it as a counterreaction to taking down Confederate statues. If there’s anything in our modern history that needs a reassessment — or just a reality check — it’s the hidebound mythology around Kennedy, that noble “Lion of the Senate.”

Some predictable protests broke out from the mythmakers. Former Washington Post reporter Sharon Waxman complained on The Wrap News Inc. website: “I’m not entirely sure why anyone chose to make this movie right now. We hardly lack in narratives that debunk the Kennedy mystique. Indeed, the Kennedys’ moral failings are hardly what ails our democracy at this time. Many of us wish there was a Kennedy-esque figure to offer leadership in place of the moral chasm that faces the nation right now.”

It is always so when it’s a Democrat. Throughout 2016, we were told that Hillary Clinton’s past scandals were irrelevant. Then-President Obama’s scandals? A thing of the past. Former President Bill Clinton’s imbroglios? We needed to move on. Indeed, that’s why the MoveOn group was born.

In this case, it’s even worse. The liberal-media establishment — comprised of the ones who proclaimed from the rooftops that it was mandatory for Donald Trump to abandon his presidential campaign for having boasted to “Access Hollywood” host Billy Bush off camera that he could grab women in the crotch because he was a “star” — has always believed that leaving a woman behind in an overturned car to drown wasn’t at all immoral or disqualifying for the presidency … when you’re “Kennedy-esque.”

But there was more than one minor miracle. Variety film critic Owen Gleiberman took the opposite take. He wrote: “Kopechne’s body was found in a position that implied that she was struggling to keep her head out of the water. And what the film suggests is that once the car turned upside down, she didn’t die; she was alive and then drowned, after a period of time, as the water seeped in.”

Then, the film critic went for the solar plexus, saying, “This makes Edward Kennedy’s decision not to report the crime a clear-cut act of criminal negligence — but in spirit (if not legally), it renders it something closer to an act of killing.” He asserted that the Kennedy dynasty using its wealth and power to squash the case is “the essence of what Chappaquiddick means.”

Both critics agreed that the movie tells the story in an emotionally detached and clinical manner. Gleiberman said, “It simply delivers the truth of what happened: the logistical truth of the accident, and also the squirmy truth of what went on in Ted Kennedy’s soul.”


It’s never the right time to tell the truth about a scummy leftist, and always the right time to tell lies about a right-winger.

ht/ nm


25 Comments on Wow! A Movie About the Truth at Chappaquiddick Has been Released

  1. Hahahahahalol. The movie will show us an hour and fifty five minutes of Kennedy social life, politics, good deeds, and partying where Ted liked to make “sandwiches” with waitresses and 2 minutes will be devoted to where he left the poor girl in an oxygen bubble under the rear window.

  2. The film should have been made in the eighties, while the fat slob was still alive and running for reelection. What good is it now? Many people today don’t even know who he is, let alone what happened at Teddy’s Car Wash. chappaquidick bridge doesn’t even exist today.

  3. I’m no fan of JFK but he was far to the right of today’s Democrats.
    I despise Teddy, LBJ, Tip O’Neill, and the commie slime that has oozed in to replace them.
    This includes the feckless RINOs.

  4. They should exhume Lyin’ Ted’s bones and put him in a jail cell along with crooked Hillary, lying pervert Bill, lying women Lois Lerner and Susan Rice, Washed-up-woman Schultz, Eric Holder and the mastermind: Barack Hussein O’Dipshit too!

  5. Have not seen the movie. Lucifer is too busy showing MOTHER! and IT, as a double-feature, on the big-screen SATAN-TRON.

    I asked Teddy about the movie and all he said was, “I just hope they showed how much I loved that Oldsmobile.” 👿

  6. @larry the libtard.

    Yes The free market worked. Teddy sent a paid lackey to the packy to get his gin which pickled him.
    And the free market allows me to Spotify my favorite Dead Kennedys songs right

  7. I once watch an episode of Investigative Reports with Bill Curtis, I told my then-wife, “The conclusion of this show will be that Ted Kennedy wasn’t driving the car.”

    The conclusion of the show: Ted Kennedy wasn’t driving the car.

    My ex hated when I did that. Not just that I would predict the conclusion of the “news” show, but that I was usually right. I could predict the point of most 60 MIinutes stories before they finished roling the credits at the beginning

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