Melania Trump Says All the Right Things to US Military — But Photos Taken Before Show Her Character – IOTW Report

Melania Trump Says All the Right Things to US Military — But Photos Taken Before Show Her Character




First Lady Melania Trump delivered a heartfelt message to U.S. service members Friday in the aftermath of Hurricanes Harvey and Irma.

“Every child whose parent serves in our great military should be enormously proud because your mom or dad is a true American hero,” Melania Trump said. “In the wake of two devastating hurricanes, the world has witnessed your courage and compassion. And you have made every American proud.”

Watch her remarks 

9 Comments on Melania Trump Says All the Right Things to US Military — But Photos Taken Before Show Her Character

  1. richwill66
    Surely you are not referring to one of the hottest 100 women on the planet? A fashion icon? A woman who was briefly proud of America? A woman who dedicated eight years to executive backyard sharecropping? A woman who found a way to feed Americas school children with dumpster diving delicacies?

  2. No scowls, no rude remarks about America, no demanding what kind of food a child puts in their mouth, no tearing up the White House lawn to plant watermelons, and it’s highly unlikely that unbecoming cartoon caricatures will be made of Melania. Melania has style and grace, she’ll never be called a mooch or the beastly Saskatchewan like Mooch Obama has been for 8 years. Melania will never embarrass America. I’m proud of who we have in the White House. My blood pressure has returned to normal since the Trumps are at the White House.

  3. The best part of this is that despite the media, feminists and the left in general trying to portray this woman as shallow, stupid and a classist she is turning more and more American opinion of her positive in a way that Michelle Obama never could. Another real benefit is that it must be driving Mooch insane with jealosy and all the cushy vacations she’s taking without Obama can deaden the pain she must be feeling.

  4. How delightful the prospect of spending the next eight years admiring this wonderful First Lady. Just what this country needed!

    Thank you, Mrs, Trump, for being OUR FIRST LADY!!

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