San Diego Reduced To Power Washing With Bleach To Combat Hepatitis A Outbreak – IOTW Report

San Diego Reduced To Power Washing With Bleach To Combat Hepatitis A Outbreak

After 15 deaths and 300 hospitalizations, San Diego has begun using bleach to scour the streets and sidewalks of this once-great city.



22 Comments on San Diego Reduced To Power Washing With Bleach To Combat Hepatitis A Outbreak

  1. I’m just 5 miles frow where this is happening , and you’de have no idea there is a problem here ? San Diego is still a great city , because we are so spread out in’to the hills and valleys !!!

  2. Gosh, you don’t think the Hep outbreak could have anything to do with people shitting in the street, do you? Nah. It’s probably the result of man-caused global warming. Yeah, that’s it. That and Mother earth revolting against the Trump presidency.

  3. This hepatitis out break is brought to you by the Mayor and “city” council who allow homeless to sleep in tents on blocks of city sidewalk without running water, showers, or sanitary facilities. A high school graduate could have seen this one coming! None of these fools should be reelected.

  4. What I have read so far states the hep A was introduced by illegals with a rapidly growing homeless population. There is also the increasing tb problem where restaurant employees are not required to show proof that they are free of the disease.

  5. Hepatitis is a constant fact of life in Mexico.

    And yeah. Wait until it’s Ebola. Or a deadly new mutant airborne Influenza.

    The contagion speed and death toll in Dem-led cities will be staggering.

  6. Just powerwash the homeless…
    Or better yet, charge the states with taking care of the mentally ill. Round them up into camps where they can be treated, and eventually released if they get better. If not house them until they pass on. That is way more humane than letting them live like wild animals and prey on the rest of the city.
    I remember the old story of how Reagan killed the mental hospitals. No, he cut Federal funding, and the states had different priorities and just turned them out on the street

  7. There used to be a small toilet on the main street (Broadway) in downtown San Diego in a small brick building that was absolutely totally disgusting back in the mid 70’s when I was in the Navy. I remember it was always dirty and homeless people and vagrants congregated around it and used it as a toilet of last resort. So really nothing is new under the Sun except now it’s more common because of lack of strict enforcement of public sanitation rules. Somewhere, somehow you just know that some court will say that bums, vagrants’ wino’s etc. have a right to piss and shit in public places just because. Maybe someone should give them a swirly in one of these dirty crappers and place them in stocks in the downtown public square to be publicly ridiculed for allowing this filthiness.

  8. Years ago when I was in my teens back in the 60’s I was at the barber college in downtown Spokane on Main St. getting my hair cut. A bum walked into the doorway of the barber college and started peeing in the front entrance, the barber got up and ran out the front door and chased the bum off yelling and screaming at him. I thought it was pretty funny.

  9. @ Poor Lazlo

    I could almost swear one of my psych texts stated that the mental institutions were reduced and unfunded under Kennedy. I think that was the era that pushed mainstreaming mental health cases.

  10. Someone mentioned staph- bleach is about the only thing that will kill MRSA.
    I have concerns about indiscriminately spraying bleach everywhere. Exposure to and inhaling bleach vapors can cause a whole rash of respiratory problems. (Chlorine gas bombs in Syria).
    “Inhaling bleach fumes can cause several health risks including damage or burning of the lining of the esophagus or lungs. That can lead to coughing, gurgling breathing sounds and trouble getting enough air. These symptoms can be mild, moderate or severe depending on the amount of exposure and your respiratory health. People with asthma, COPD and other chronic respiratory health issues may experience more exaggerated or severe symptoms and/or have a lower tolerance to bleach fumes.”
    Low tolerance or immuno-compromised, like the homeless. And it is no less dangerous to children, perhaps even more so. Hep A is transmitted through a fecal-oral route. Pooping in the streets mixed with having no facilities for hand washing should absolutely be stopped. This is a result of people ingesting shit, as minutely as they may be doing. So, go ahead and spray everywhere, but don’t stop the vectors or the route, or the point of entry for the illness. Empty drywall mud buckets would be an improvement over nothing. There’s probably more of something else on the way.
    Wash your hands.

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