Politifact = Politihack – IOTW Report

Politifact = Politihack

Politifact fact-checked Hillary’s latest bomb of a book – What Happened – and determined it to be fact based through and through.

Politifact seems to have missed the part where Hillary claims in her book that the media FAVORED TRUMP!

Politifact didn’t give this a Pants Suit On Fire rating, which means they are to be wholly dismissed as any sort of arbiter of truth.

15 Comments on Politifact = Politihack

  1. Has anybody ever considered that this is a highly organized and concerted effort to discredit Trump by the Libtard Media and the reason CNN is so obviously over the top Rabid is too make places like Politicrap seem viable?

  2. This is so off topic. But does anybody else find it odd that we haven’t heard a thing about James Alex Fields for a month? After Dylan Roof killed all those people, his name and face was in the news for weeks. Fields plowing into those protesters in Charlottesville was in some ways a far more explosive story. But we’ve heard nothing. I just find that damned odd.

  3. Dianny

    Most awesome question. Even if the tubby girl died from a heart attack there were lots of other people severely hurt. There were reports of this guy being a plant for about 3 days after the incident and they too disappeared. Something smells.

  4. If he really was this rabid White Supremacist, the press would be all over him 24/7 hoping to hang him around Trump’s neck. He’d be prime material. But there’s nothing.

    It smells all right. To high heaven.

  5. Politifact is owned and operated by the Tampa Bay Times which is published by the Times Publishing Company which is owned by the Poynter Insitute for Media Studies which is a non-profit School of Journalism. It’s received complaints from both left and right of the political spectrum but seems to be mostly left/progressive in its approach to education. So, it’s a combination of the MSM and MSE (Main Stream Education) the worst of both worlds.

  6. @Dianny, one version is the driver was surrounded by Antifa and attacked, his car being pounded with clubs, he was genuinely in fear of his life, and was trying to escape the crowd. Heyer and others were either too slow, too stupid, or were positioned as sacrificial pawns in that street to provoke the incident the Left craved–at all costs.
    The Lame Cherry blog made a fairly persuasive case that the driver was deliberately herded down that street into the waiting mob.
    They may have intended to make him another Reginald Denny, but failed to grasp the physics of car-vs-snowflakes.

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