Should The Government Be Able To Force People To Promote Messages They Don’t Agree With? – IOTW Report

Should The Government Be Able To Force People To Promote Messages They Don’t Agree With?

18 Comments on Should The Government Be Able To Force People To Promote Messages They Don’t Agree With?

  1. This can translate to my business of Landscape design !
    I do specialty design that is Tropical to exotic Succulent, and when people ask for a French garden I say no ! I can design them but Without passion… so for that reason I will not do them ! Call me anti French , but Don’t make me do it !!!

  2. I own a precision machine shop. We built a huge text figure nick named the Orgasmatron once. It earned it’s nick name because it made strange noises as it rapidly heated up and cooled off. I had no issues cause I like money. (It had a deep voice)

  3. WILLYGOATS…..i haz tried and tried to like your coment, but it not worked so i haz not cheezberger…….live will go on, but not be same….sadness approach…..arrive…..sigh

  4. dang….does any of you all remember “chat rooms?”…..where, in the oldentimes of the interwebs, people would come together, and interact live with each other?
    this was my introduction to the interwebs, and i enjoyed it immensely – made many friends around the globe…it was wonderful, do you remember?

    i ask, in case we might possibly start an IOTW chat room???

    we interact here all the time, but never on a real-time platform…..i’m wondering if we couldn’t do that…sorry, reboot – i realize you’re so far out of the time zones of most of us that you would be here all alone most of the time, iffen we DID create an IOTW chat room….but i wonder how hard it would be, and i think it would be GREAT, if we could have a separate little space where we could all talk to each other in real time….like the ole chat rooms….

    just sayin

    not trying to add to your burdens, mr big fur hat…..just throwing the idea out there…..on account of there are so many people here i would love to talk to in real time….

    to be able to write back and forth and communicate and make jokes and just be friends talking to each other…we NEED that, these days, more than ever before…..i don’t know how to do that….but i’m pretty sure we have someone here who DOES know how to do that…..and i would very much appreciate it if that someone WOULD do that….and i’m also pretty sure i’m not the only one who would appreciate it…..

    so……if it’s YOU who can do it…….GET IT DONE….

    and i’ll thank you, even if no one else does….:)

  5. and when i wake up tomorrow – like about 10 am est lol – and find the “WELCOME TO THE IOTW LIVE CHAT ROOM” in my emails….i’m gonna be SOOOO ….no wait, i need my coffee…then a morning nap, if the cats don’t keep me awake….then, MAYBE, unless something else comes along…
    eventually, i might investigate this chat room thing…lol..
    cause of i’m like that……i’m like a cat….cats are asleep 86% of their lives….so am i…….
    but during those few hours of wakefulness – i would love to be able to do live chat with all yall…….:)

    just kidding – i AM disabled, but not THAT disabled….i’m awake at least 35 to 40% of the time….okay, i may be exagerating…..dangit, just build us that chat room, okay????

  6. in other news – i’d be interested to know how posting as “chuckie” one minute, suddenly becomes posting as “aAM” the next moment…..

    it’s just weird…..IT’S JUST WEIRD, i tells ya……..and THIS is why we need a live chat format!!!!

  7. Gov’t is, and always has been, a coercive enterprise.
    The Whiskey Rebellion disabused this nation of the notion that a Republic was voluntary.
    Simply put, you (the Gov’t) have to force people to support what they do support and what they don’t support. My money should NOT go towards perversion, abortion, socialism, parasitism, or corruption – but it does – just as some portion goes to National Defense. And why should I have to pay for the extravagance of the Aristocracy? Why should I pay for Ryan’s travel expenses? Or Pelosi’s? Or Obola’s for that matter – he’s a fukkin millionaire (as are Ryan and Pelosi)!

    In for a penny; in for a pound.

    WE put the chains around our own necks. WE shackled our hands and feet. WE demand corruption, lies, and cupidity. WE demand that the “Gov’t” tax our money, steal it, and waste it. WE pay for our own suicide.

    Once we jettisoned the concept of “equality under the law” through Affirmative Action, Selective Prosecution, and ignoring the passage of laws that made “legislators” immune from all that constrains US – we accepted the status of slave.

    Funny how the bubble bursts only when we are personally affected – and then, only for a moment – til the next episode of Gilligan’s Island.

    izlamo delenda est …

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