Flashback Reminder of Just How Dumb Nancy Pelosi Is – IOTW Report

Flashback Reminder of Just How Dumb Nancy Pelosi Is

ht/ HW

12 Comments on Flashback Reminder of Just How Dumb Nancy Pelosi Is

  1. The first string players of the Democrat party ladies and gentlemen.

    The only thing more pathetic in DC are the RINO’s who keep letting these idiots roll them on every single issue.

  2. There is a plethora of these ignorant remora congresspersons in congress. Most seem to be democRATS.

    Two amazing things:
    -they seem bound and determined to fight to the front of the ‘Stupid Remarks ‘ line, to ensure their stupid factor shines bright;
    -they keep getting elected and re-elected.

    Why are Nancy Pelosi, Maxine Waters, Hank Johnson, to name a few, still in congress, robbing America, just like the Clintons?

    Not to mention the criminal congressional members. Where are the trust sensors of the American voter?

  3. Nancy gets confused with natural gas bi-products from oil drilling and her intestinal emissions. She produces an abundance and is willing to share it for the betterment of mankind.

  4. To be fair, the “natural gas” she was talking about is human farts. Her full proposal is for Americans to once again have large families and for their automobiles to be designed as mobile outhouses with multiple toilet seats built in.

    Before a family vacation, the dozen or so children are fed nothing but gas producing foods including high protein, good for you beans. At the proper moment the family takes off in the specially designed auto using their natural gas to propel them to their destination.

    This works equally well on “take a child to work with you day”.

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